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第一讲        考研英语写作解剖
























1)  1991—1996年:给出提纲或开头句的命题写作(writings  based  on  given  outlines
or  opening  sentences)

2) 1997—2006年:给出提纲的图画或图表写作(writings based on visual information
or  pictures  or  graphs)


















①使用引语(use  a  quotation)



"Great  minds  must  be  ready  not  only  to  take  the  opportunity,  but  to  make
them."Colton, a great writer once remarked. But it still has a profound significance
now. To a person, in whose lifetime opportunities are not many, to make opportunities
is  more  essential  to  his  success.
②使用具体详实的数字或数据(use  figures  or  statistics)


例:In  the  past  5  years  there  has  been  a  marked  decline  in  the  number  of  young
married  couples  who  want  to  have  children,  coupled  with  a  growing  trend  toward
delayed  childbearing.  According  to  official  statistics,  in  2003,  about  28  percent
of married couples with wives under 35 gave no birth to children, compared with the
1993  level  of  8  percent.

③提出问题(ask  a  question)


例:What do you want from your work? Money? Promotions? Interesting challenges?
Continual learning? Work-based friendships? The opportunity to develop your own idea
and  potentials?  Though  we  are  all  individuals  and  so  our  answers  will  differ,  all
agree  that  work  provide  more  than  material  things.

④给出背景(offer  relevant  background)


例:Once  in  a  newspaper  I  read  of  a  crowd  of  people  who  remained  appallingly
indifferent  to  the  plea  of  a  mother.  As  she  failed  to  offer  the  required  amount  of
cash  as  a  price  to  save  her  drowning  son,  the  woman  at  last  watched  her  son  sink
to  death.  The  story  is  not  rare  in  newspapers  and  on  TV,  and  the  casualness  and
detachment  our  people  now  have  developed  has  aroused  nationwide  concern.

⑤定义法(give  definition)


例:Flexibility is defined as being adaptable to change. In the course of your
lifetime,   it   is   essential   that   you   learn   to   bend   and   flex   around   every   new
circumstance, as rigidity deprives you of the opportunity to see new possibilities.
Paradigms  change  over  time, and  so  must you. Your  company  may  restructure, and  you
will  have  to  survive.  Your  spouse  may  choose  to  leave  the  marriage,  and  you  will
have to cope. Technology will continue to advance and change, and you must constantly
learn and adapt or risk becoming a dinosaur. Flexibility allows you to be ready for
whatever  curve  lies  ahead  in  life  instead  of  getting  blindsided  by  it.

⑥主题句法(use  of  topic  sentence)

Now  people  become  increasingly  aware  of  the  importance  of  acquiring  a  mastery
of a  foreign  language.  To  them, the  knowledge  of  a  foreign  language,  say,  English,
often  means  a  good  opportunity  for  one's  career,  even  a  passport  to  a  prosperous
future.  Many  of  them  equate  success  in  life  with  the  ability  of  speaking  a  foreign


 The  arguer  may  be  right  about?,  but  he  seems  to  neglect  (fail)  to  mention
(takesintosaccount)  the  fact  that?.

 As  opposed  to  (Contrary  to)  widely  (commonly  /  generally)  held  (accepted)
belief  (ideas  /  views),  I  believe  (argue)  that?

 Although  many  people  believe  that?,  I  doubt  (wonder)whether  the  argument
bears  much  analysis  (close  examination).

 The  advantages  of  B  outweigh  any  benefit  we  gained  from  (carry  more  weight
than  those  of  /  are  much  greater  than)  A.

 Although it is commonly (widely / generally) held (felt / accepted / agreed)
that?,  it  is  unlikely  to  be  true  that?.

 There  is  an  element  of  truth  in  this  argument  (statement),  but  it  ignores  a
deeper  and  more  basic  (important  /  essential)  fact  (reason)  that?.

 It is true that (True, / To be sure, / Admittedly,)?, but this is not to say
(it  is  unlikely  /  it  doesn't  follow  /  it  doesn't  mean  /  it  won't  be  the  case)

 The main (obvious / great) problem (flaw / drawback) with (in) this argument
(view  /  remark)  is  that  it  is  ignorant  of  (blind  to)  the  basic  (bare)  fact  that?.

 It would be possible (natural / reasonable) to think (believe / take the view)
that?,  but  it  would  be  absurd  (wrong)  to  claim  (argue)  that?.

 In  all  the  discussion  and  debate  over?,  one  important  (basic)  fact  is
generally  overlooked  (neglected).

 There  is  absolutely  (in  fact)  no  (every)  reason  for  us  to  believe  (accept  /
resist  /  reject)  that?.
 Logical (Valid / Sound) as this argument and I wholeheartedly agree with it,
it  appears  insignificant  (absurd)  when?is  takensintosconsideration(account).

 To  assume  (suggest)  that?is  far  from  being  proved  (to  miss  the  point).

 A close (careful) inspection (examination / scrutiny) of this argument would
reveal  how  flimsy  (groundless  /fallacious)  it  is.

 On the surface (At first thought), it (this) may seem a sound (an attractive)
suggestion (solution / idea), but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis
/  on  second  thought),  we  find  that?

 Too  much  emphasis  placed  on  (attention  paid  to  /  importance  attached  to)?
may  obscure  (overlook  /  neglect)  other  facts?.

 The  danger  (problem  /  fact  /  truth  /  point)  is  that?.

 What  the  arguer  fails  to  understand  (consider  /  mention)  is  that?.

 We don't have to look very far to see (find out) the truth (validity) of this
argument  (proposition).

 However  just  (logical  /  sound  /  valid)  this  argument  may  be,  it  only  skims
the  surface  of  the  problem.

 Among  the  most  convincing  (important)  reasons  given  (cited  /  offered  /
identified)  by  people  for?,  one  should  be  stressed  (emphasized  /  mentioned).

 As  far  as  I  am  concerned,  however,  I  believe  that?.

 I  believe  that  the  title  statement  is  valid  because  (of)?.

 I  agree  with  the  above  statement  because  I  believe  that?.

 Although  I  appreciate  that?,  I  cannot  agree  with  the  title  statement.

 There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of?. Those who object
to?argue  that?.  But  people  who  favor?,  on  the  other  hand,  argue  that?.

 Currently (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now), there
is  (has  been)  a(n)  general  (widespread  /  growing  /  widely  held)  feeling  towards
(concern  over  /  attitude  towards  /  trend  towards  /  awareness  of  /  realization  of
/  illusion  of  /  belief  in)?.
 Now  it  is  commonly  (widely  /  generally  /  increasingly)  believed  (thought  /
held  /  accepted/  felt  /  recognized  /  acknowledged)  that?.  But  I  wonder  (doubt)

 These  days  we  are  often  told  that  (often  hear  about)?,  but  is  this  really
the  case?


















There are a number of ways for us to keep fit. First, no matter how busy we are,
we should have exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, it is important
to  keep  good  hours.  For  example,  if  we  are  in  the  habit  of  going  to  bed  early  and
getting up early, we can avoid overworking ourselves and get enough sleep. Finally,
entertainment is also necessary so that we may  have some moments  of  relaxation. If
we  follow  those  instruction.  We  will  certainly  be  in  good  health.



The  older  form  of  communication  is  speech.  In  the  beginning  of  human  history,
people   could   only   use   direct   verbal   speech   to   communicate.   But   it   had   many
shortcomings. For instance, we could not speak to a person far away when we needed.
So  distance  was  a  problem.  And  the  spoken  word  could  not  be  kept  secret  easily.  So
people  wanted  to  invent  a  new  method  of  communication.  The  next  big  step  forward
in communication was the invention of writing. Writing is one of human being's most
important  inventions.  It  solved  the  problem  of  distance  and  keeping  secrets,  but
it too had disadvantages. The written word could not be passed on quickly, so people
tried  to  find  a  new  quicker  method  of  communication.

The   most   recent   development   had   been   electronic   means   of   communication,
including  the  wireless  telegraph,  radio,  telephone  and  television.  The  invention
and  use  of  electronic  means  has  solved  all  the  problems  mentioned  above.  They  are
the  most  effective  methods  of  communication.  People  will  certainly  try  their  best
to  invent  even  more  modem  and  useful  methods.



The  hamburger  is  the  most  popular  food  item  in  the  United  States.  Every  year
Americans  consume  billions  of  them.  They  are  sold  in  expensive  restaurants  and  in
humble diners. They are cooked at home on the kitchen stove or over a barbecue grill
in  the  backyard.  Why  are  they  so  popular?

First, a hamburger is extremely easy to prepare. It is nothing more than a piece
of ground beef, cooked for a few minutes. Then it is placed in a sliced bun. Nothing
could  be  simpler.  Even  an  unskilled  cook  can  turn  out  hundreds  of  them  in  an  hour.
Besides  that,  the  simple  hamburger  can  be  varied  in  many  ways.  You  can  melt  some
cheese  on  top  of  the  beef  to  create  a  cheeseburger.

You  can  also  add  some  grilled  bacon  for  an  interesting  flavor  contrast.  In
addition, you can garnish the hamburger with other things such as lettuce, tomato,
onion,   mushrooms,   avocado,   pickles,   hot   pepper,   ketchup,   relish,   mayonnaise,
mustard  or  whatever  you  wish!



The  saying"No  pains,  no  gains"is  universally  accepted  because  of  the  plain
yet  philosophical  moral  it  teaches:  if  one  wants  to  achieve  something,  he  has  to
work  and  tolerate  more  than  others.  The  saying  is  true  of  any  pursuit  man  seeks.
A case in point is boxing. While we heap cheers on the winner, few happen to imagine
that  his  gold  belt  is  won  at  the  cost  of  his  sweat,  tears,  blood,  even  life  over
years  before  the  arrival  of  that  exciting  moment.



To build your own sunscope, get a carton and cut a hole in one side, big enough
to  poke  your  head  through.  Paste  white  paper  on  the  inside  surface  that  you  will
be facing. Then punch a pinholesintosthe opposite side high enough so that the little
shaft of light will miss your head. For a sharper image you can make a better pinhole
by  cutting  a  one-inch  square  hole  in  the  carton,  taping  a  piece  of  aluminum  foil
over this hole, and then making the pin-hole in the foil. Finally, tape the box shut
and  cover  all  light  leaks  with  black  tape.



Diligence is the key to success. It means persistent work and does not mean that
we  are  to  exert  ourselves  all  day  and  night  without  rest,  without  food  and  without
sleep.  The  true  meaning  of  diligence  is  the  careful  use  of  time  for  the  purpose  of
improvement,  or  to  work  persistently  without  any  waste  of  time.



Nowadays  the  news  media  mainly  consists  of  radio,  television  and  newspapers.
Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Newspapers are the oldest form
for  communicating the  news. Today  many  people  still begin  their day  by  reading  the
morning paper whileshavingsbreakfast, and end their day by reading the evening paper

The  invention  of  the  radio  has  had  a  tremendous  influence  on  the  world.  It  is
able  to  bring  up-to-minute  news  to  distant  places  in  a  matter  of  seconds.  Thus  the
development  of  the  radio  has  made  the  world  a  smaller  place.

Television  is  the  most  recently  developed  device  for  communication.  It  allows
us to see as well as to hear the news. The fact that it enables people to see visual
images  has  had  a  considerable  effect  on  our  perceptions  of  world  event.


 Although the popular belief is that?, a current (new / recent) study (survey
/  poll  /  investigation)  indicates  (shows  /  demonstrates)  that?.

 Common  sense  tells  us  that?.

 The  increase  (change  /  failure  /  success)  in?mainly  (largely  /  partly)
results  from  (arises  from  /  is  because  of)?.

 The   increase   (change   /   failure   /   success)   in ? is   due   to   (owing   to   /
attributable  to)  the  fact  that?.

 Many  people  would  claim  that?.

 One may attribute (ascribe / owe) the increase (decrease / change ) to?, but?
is  not  by  itself  an  adequate  explanation.

 One  of  the  reasons  given  for?is  that?.

 What  is  also  worth  noticing  is  that?.

 There are many (different / several /a number of / a variety of)causes (reasons)
for this dramatic (marked / significant) growth (change / decline / increase) in?.
First,?.  Second,?.  Finally,?.

 There  is  no  evidence  to  suggest  that?.

 Why  are  (is  /  do  /  did)??  For  one  thing,?.  For  another,?.

 Another  reason  why  I  dispute  the  above  statement  is  that?.

 It gives rise to (lead to / bring /create) a host of problems (consequences).
 There  are  numerous  reasons  why?,  and  I  shall  here  explore  only  a  few  of  the
most  important  ones.

 It   will   exert   (have   /   produce)   profound   (far-reaching   /   remarkable   /
considerable / beneficial / favorable / undesirable / disastrous) effect (influence)

 A  multitude  of  factors  could  account  for  (contribute  to  /  lead  to  /  result
in /  influence)  the change  (increase  /  decrease  / success  /  failure  /  development)

 In  2000,  it  increased  (rose  /  jumped  /  shot  up)  from  5  to  10  percent  of  the
total  (to  15  percent  /  by  15  percent).

 By  comparison  with  2002,  it  decreased  (dropped  /  fell)  from  10  to  5  percent
(to  15  percent  /  by  15  percent).

 It  accounts  for  15  percent  of  the  total.

 There  were  100  traffic  accidents  in  April,  an  increase  of  5  percent  in  a
five-month  period.

 By 2002, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ as many as) three
quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates
/ housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (2002) preferred to (liked)?.

 With  the  development  (improvement  /  rise  /  growth  /  general  recognition  /
acknowledgement  /  realization)  of?,  vast  changes  awaits  this  country's  society.

 Now  people  in  growing  (ever-increasing  /  significant)  numbers  are  beginning
(coming  /  getting)  to  believe  (realize  /  recognize  /  understand  /  accept  /  see  /
be  aware)  that?.

 According to a(n) recent (new / official) study (survey / report / poll),?.

 History  (Our  society)  is  filled  (abounds)  with  the  examples  of?.

 The  story  (case  /  instance  /  situation)  is  not  rare  (isolated  /  unique),  it
is  one  of  many  examples  (typical  of  dozens).

 A   (one)   recent   (new   /   general   /   nationwide)   study   (survey   /   poll   /
investigation)  conducted  (taken)  at  a  university  by  (officials  /  scientists  /
experts)  indicates  (reveals  /  suggests  /  shows  /  proves  /  demonstrates)  that?.
 According  to  (As  can  be  seen  in  /  As  is  shown  in)  the  figures  (statistics  /
findings / data / graph / table) released (provided) by the government (an institute),
it  can  be  learned  (seen  /  predicted)  that?.

 There  is  (no)  good  (every  /  little  /  sufficient  /  considerable  /  strong)
evidence  (proof)  to

 Personal experience (Examples I heard / read of) leads me to conclude that?.

 We  must  admit  the  undeniable  fact  that?.

 No  one  can  deny  (ignore  /  doubt  /  overlook  /  obscure  /  brush  aside)  the  fact

 Experience  (Evidence)  suggests  (shows)  that?.

 Take  for  example?who  (that)?.

 The  same  is  true  of?.

 As  the  saying  goes,"?."





例:In conclusion I would like to say that change is a problem confronting most
of  us  today.  The  changes  which  have  already  taken  place  in  every  field  of  our  life
are irreversible. Continuation of the growth which has already begun is inevitable.
During  this  evolution  there  are  great  rewards  to  be  won—by  those  who  are  willing
to  take  the  opportunities  being  offered.



例 : Admittedly,   science   has   created   atomic   bombs   and   produced   pervasive
pollution. But it has transformed the lives of millions of people. It has multiplied
man's energy, hopes, ambitions and understanding. It has elevated and will continue
to  elevate  man  intellectually  and  spiritually.


例:It is time that the government should speak out against corruption and take
strong action to punish whoever takes bribes or embezzles fund. For present official
corruption,  if  permitted  to  continue,  will  not  only  tarnish  the  government's
popularity,  but  lead  to  its  ultimate  downfall.



例:College athletics plays such a vital role that it deserves close attention
and  persistent  effort.  It  is  suggested  that  physical  training  should  be  regarded
as a required course wedgedsintoscollege curricula, however crowded it may be, and
that  a  fair  share  of  college  budget  should  be  devoted  to  athletic  programs.  We
sincerely  hope  that  this  suggestion  will  be  a  commitment  that  all  colleges  and
universities  will  take  up.



例:Old  people  may  choose  to  live  alone  for  themselves  and  even  embrace  this
living  pattern.  But  in  the  deep  part  of  their  hearts,  they  must  feel  lonely.  They
need  their  children  to  stay  with,  to  talk  with,  and  take  care  of  them.  Why  can't
young  people  think  of  the  days  when  they  are  getting  old?



例:Many yeas ago, a great philosopher Francis Bacon remarked that"Knowledge?
is   power."This   can   now   be   translatedsintoscontemporary   terms.   In   our   social
setting,"Knowledge  is  change"—and  accelerating  knowledge-acquisition,  fueling
the  great  engine  of  technology,  means  accelerating  change.


 From  what  has  been  discussed  above  (Takingsintosaccount  all  these  factors  /
Judging  from  all  evidence  offered),  we  may  safely  draw  (reach  /  come  to  /  arrive
at)  the  conclusion  that?.
 All the evidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / points
to)  a(n)  unshakable  (unmistakable  /  sound  /  just)  conclusion  that?.

 It  is  high  time  that  we  place  (lay  /  put)  great  (special  /  considerable)
emphasis  on  the  improvement  (development  /  increase  /  promotion)  of?.

 It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable
/  deplorable)  situation  (tendency  /  phenomenon)  of?.

 We must look (search / call / cry) for an immediate action (method / measure),
because the present (current) situation (phenomenon / tendency / state / attitude)
of?,  if  permitted  (allowed)  to  continue  (proceed),  will  surely  (certainly)  lead
to  (result  in)  the  end  (destruction  /  heavy  cost)  of?.

 There is no easy (immediate / effective) solution (approach / answer / remedy)
to  the  problem  of?,  but?might  be  useful  (helpful  /  beneficial).

 No easy method (solution / recipe / remedy) can be at hand (found / guaranteed)
to  solve  (resolve  /  tackle)  the  problem  of?,  but  the  common  (general  /  public)
recognition  of  (realization  of  /  awareness  of  /  commitment  to)  the  necessity
(importance / significance) of?might be the first step towards change (on the right
way  /  in  the  right  direction).

 Following  these  methods  (suggestions)  may  not  guarantee  the  success  in
(solution  to)?,  but  the  pay-off  will  be  worth  the  effort.

 Obviously (Clearly / No doubt), if we ignore (are blind to) the problem, there
is  every  chance  that?.

 Unless there is a common realization of (general commitment to)?, it is very
likely  (the  chances  are  good)  that?.

 There is little doubt (no denying) that serious (special / adequate / immediate
/  further)  attention  must  be  called  (paid  /  devoted)  to  the  problem  of?.

 It  is  necessary  (essential  /  fundamental)  that  effective  (quick  /  proper)
action  (steps  /measures  /  remedies)  should  be  taken  to  prevent  (correct  /check  /
end  /  fight)  the  situation  (tendency  /  phenomenon).

 It  is  hoped  (suggested  /  recommended)  that  great  (continuous  /  persistent  /
sustained  /  corporate)  efforts  should  be  made  to  control  (check/  halt  /  promote)
the  growth  (increase  /  rise)  of?.
 It  is  hoped  that  great  efforts  should  be  directed  to  (expended  on  /  focused
on)  finding  (developing  /  improving)?.

 It  remains  to  be  seen  whether?,  but  the  prospect  (outlook)  is  not  quite
encouraging  (that  rosy).

 Anyhow,  wider  (more)  education  (publicity)  should  be  given  to  the  possible
(potential  /  grave  /serious  /  pernicious)  consequences  (effects)  of?.

 To reverse (check / control) the trend (tendency) is not a light task (an easy
job), and it requires (demands / involves / entails) a different state of mind towards
(attitude  towards  /  outlook  on)?.

 For  these  reasons,  I  strongly  recommend  that?.

 For  the  reasons  given  above,  I  feel  that?.



generally speaking, generally, as a general rule, in general, on a larger scale,
to  take  the  idea  further,  to  take  the  above  opinion  to  an  extreme,  in  a  sense,  in
one  sense,  in  a  way,  to  some  extent,  in  my  opinion,  in  my  view,  as  for  me,  as  far
as  I  am  concerned,  obviously,  undoubtedly,  in  terms  of,  in  conclusion,  in  short,
in  brief,  in  summary,  in  a  word,  on  the  whole,  to  sum  up,  to  conclude


similarly,  likewise,  like,  too,  equally  important,  the  same  as,  in  common,  in
the  same  way,  on  the  contrary,  on  the  one  hand,  on  the  other  hand,  otherwise,  in
sharp  contrast,  whereas,  rather  than,  conversely,  instead,  in/by  contrast,  but,
however,  yet,  nevertheless


for  example,  for  instance,  as  an  example,  as  a  case  in  point,  such  as,  namely,
that is, like, thus, first, second, third, finally, in the first place, initially,
first  of  all,  to begin  with, to start  with, what  is  more,  furthermore, eventually,
besides, in addition (to that), first and foremost, last but not least, next, also,
moreover,  for  one  thing,  for  another

because  (of),  as,  since,  for,  owing  to,  due  to,  thanks  to,  on  account  of,  as
a result of, result in (from), consequently, for the reason that, as a consequence,
consequently,  if  follows  that,  accordingly,  therefore,  hence


although,  even  though,  after  all,  in  spite  of,  despite,  granted  that


anyway,  certainly,  surely,  obviously,  to  be  sure,  especially,  particularly,
above  all,  in  deed,  in  fact,  even  worse,  needless  to  say,  most  important  of  all,
no  doubt
