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  1. But we must remember that the substance ——has not been discussed in recent years。

  2. To make a selection of great battles , and to present them in a single book was obviously a formidable task。

  3. I feel an immense joy to be back in China and with the Chinese people and their leaders 。

  4. Is it not a mistake to

  5. The principal person at through the clause was one who had long previously attracted to himself a share of attention in many cities, whose influence was beginning among the working class。

  6. Our prisoners of war——over ninety thousand of them—— without further delay。

  7. began to take entire possession of him。

  8. A successful scientist ——he does not accept statements which on the most complete evidence available。

  9. He dived into the water and rescued the couple。

  10. They were Chou’s welcoming party, they had been in the capital for three days, but 。

  11. His irritation the silent beauty of the night。

  12. on our side gave Roosevelt success in his audacious military move。

  13. Fifty-four department stores in New York featured Rockefeller headquarters where was passed out to lady shoppers。

  14. I had to work into a tight schedule so that I could also keep my lecture engagements。

  15. My delegation will not, therefore, of the committee。

  16. Every state is of what is required to safeguard its national security。

  17. Look at the chaps in politics and business, whose lives were passed in , and getting knighted for it。

  18. They stood at a distance from the President。

  19. After a interval they quietly entered his quarter。

  20. Yet it is that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society。

  21. He is a good , accurate, patient and objective and applies persistent and logical thought to the observations he makes。


  1. 但我们必须记住归入海床和海洋这一项目下的那些内容广泛的分项,其实质是近年来没有讨论过的。

  2. 第二次世界大战是有史以来规模最大的一场全球性战争。要从中选取一些重大的战役用一册书把它们反映出来,显然是一项十分艰巨的任务。

  3. 在这些国家经过无数牺牲而在国际上获得主权的时候,我再来中国访问,并和中国人民及其领导人会晤,这使我感到极为高兴。

  4. 这个组织具有真正的国际性,但却拒绝给予中华人民共和国应有席位的权利,这难道不是一个错误吗?

  5. 人们断定这一条款所针对的主要对象就是这样的人:他们在许多城市已受到注意,在工作阶级中开始产生影响。

  6. 决不能再拖延遣返我们九万多名战俘了。


  8. 有成就的科学家从不轻信。他们不接受任何论点,除非它们是基于目前最完整的证据。

  9. 他没有脱衣服就跳进水里去救这对夫妇。

  10. 他们是周恩来派来专程接他的,虽然已来伊斯兰堡三天了,却一直没有露过面。

  11. 面对这宁静的良宵美景,他的烦恼不禁涣然冰释了。

  12. 由于我们方面一错再错,加上运气不好,才使罗斯福在这次大胆的军事行动中得以成功。

  13. 纽约有五十四家百货公司起了洛克菲勒总部的作用,因为它们向妇女顾客散发宣传资料。

  14. 我必须把我的各项政治活动安排得十分紧凑,这样我才能如期履行我的演讲任务。

  15. 因此,我国代表团就不多占时间了,以免使委员会感到不耐烦。

  16. 每个国家需要以什么来保卫它的国家安全,只有它自己能作出最好的决定。

  17. 看看那些政治上、商业上的家伙们,他们整个生活都是在风险中度过的,可又都因此封爵。

  18. 他和总统站开了一点距离,以示尊敬。

  19. 为礼貌起见,他们没有立即进去,而是等了一会儿,才轻轻走进元首的房子。

  20. 显然,成千上万的从来没有想过自己会违法————更不要说犯罪————的美国人对于遵守那些旨在保护和培育他们的社会的法律条文,愈来愈表现得放肆起来,这是很令人痛心的。

  21. 凡有成就的科学家都善于观察,且观察得很精确、耐心和客观。对观察的结果锲而不舍地进行合乎逻辑的思考。
