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  We allowed them a commission of 5 per cent. 我们给他们5%的手续费。

  ① They were allowed a commission of 5 per cent.

  ② A commission of 5 per cent was allowed them by us.

  We shall give Mr. John a warm welcome. 我们将热烈欢迎约翰先生。

  ① Mr. John will be given a warm welcome.

  ② A warm welcome will be given to Mr. John.


  A new study plan (work plan) has to be made. 必须制定一个新的学习计划(工作计划)。

  He will have to be tried for murder. 他因犯杀人罪将要受到审判。

  The project is (going) to be completed in October. 这项工程将在十月份完工。



  My watch has been stolen. 我的表已被偷了。(不知道谁偷的)

  On Saturday night, on her way home from work, she was robbed. 星期六晚上,在下班回家的路上,她被抢了。


  Qu Yuan is also remembered on this day. 也在这一天纪念屈原。

  He will never be forgotten. 永远不会忘记他。


  You are requested to give a performance. 请你表演一个节目。


  (1)及物动词need, want, require, deserve, bear等之后用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。

  This issue requires dealing with great care. 该问题需仔细研究。

  The new instruments want very careful handling. 这些新仪器必须轻拿轻放。


  Electronics finds its application in navigation. 电子学在航海上得到应用。


  Atom is too small to see. 原子小得看不见。

  The question is easy to answer. 这个问题很容易回答。


  This book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。

  Three points are worth quoting for our purpose. 就我们的目的而言,有三点值得引证。

  (5) get+过去分词表示被动意义。如:

  This question got talked about a little. 该问题曾略加议论过。


  The question is under discussion. 问题正在讨论。

  The phenomenon under study is very interesting. 在研究中的现象十分有趣。
