线性逻辑问题是队列问题的一种特例,它在前面的队列问题 上加上线性限制,在上题中,LSAT逻辑推理题目的图形解法4:次序问题之二限制条件只是元素的先后次序问题, 在本题中,条件加上对队列中某些元素和某些固定位子的关系,所以我们在 LSAT逻辑推理题目的图形解法 4 中的图形上也加上相应的改变。 来看本题。
A film producer id arranging for a series of actor to appear during an awards show. The actore F, G, H, I, J and K, will fill six time slots during the show, and their appearance are sunject to the following constraints;
A) F will go after I
B) I wll not scheduled for time slot 2
C) H will be in time slot that is immediately after G
D) K will appear in a time slot that is two slot after H
注意条件D) K will appear in a time slot that is two slot after H, is two slot after H, 表示K和H之间只空一格。 而不是空两格。
将C,D 条件合并:
Q1. In how many different time slot is it possible for J to appear?
A) two
B) three
C) four
D) five
E) Six
只有 Fig。1 影响这个问题, 我们看到 占4格, 只是相互之间的限制, 它们可以在 1-6 之间有两格的移动, 就是说, 两头的 1,2, 5,6 ,GH和 K 之间的空位取 3,4,5 相应的位置, 所以J 可以取的位子是 1,2,3,4,5,6, 共有6种, 答案是 E) Six。
Q2. if G is scheduled in slot 3, then who of the following must be scheduled in slot 5?
A) F
B) H
C) I
D) J
E) K
这表明 限制必须开始在第三格:
只有1,2 和 5 位子可选, 而 F 必须在 I 前, I 又不能在 2, 所以 I必须 在 第 5 格。 答案是 C) I。
Q3. which Actors CANNOT not be scheduled at time slot 3?
A) I and K
B) F amd J
C) J and H
D) F and G
E) K and F
From constraints Fig1, K at least can be as early as slot 4, so that answer is A) I and K
,we do not even need to look at where I could be, because there is only one rightr answer.
在上节中,LSAT逻辑推理题目的图形解法 5, 线性逻辑, 我们熟悉了队列的线性问题, 现在我们再来看一个更复杂一点的类似问题。
A camper counselor is holding yetherball practice for seven camper named F, G, H, I ,J K, L throughout this week starting from monday. each camper practiceonly once and only one camper will practice per day.
A) F, and J will practice on either Tuesday or Satuready.
B) H will practice day after F
C) L will not practice either the day before or the day after F or J practice
D) K will not prctice on the day immediately following the day that J practice
We still use the similar diagram we used at LSAT逻辑推理题目的图形解法 5, 线性逻辑, for keeping the consistency.
我们用 X 在线下表示 No。 条件 C 相当与:
即 L 只能在 4,。
Q1. if J prctice before L, then who will practice on Sunday?
A) L
B) G
C) H
D) I
E) K
从条件 C 知道 L 只能在 4, 而J prctice before L, 则 F 只能在 6, from B, 那就是 H 在 Sunday, 所以 答案是 C) H 。
Q2, if K practice at Friday, then whi will practice on Thursday>
A) K
B) G
C) I
D) L
我们已经知道, L 只能在 4 ,所以这个条件是多余的, 不要怀疑自己,答案是 D) L . 所以开始的推导必须要认真, 把题目看清楚。
Q3 Who of following who CANNOT practice on Monday orTuesday?
A) I
B) H
C) F
D) K
From the constrain B) H will practice day after F, 答案是 B) H.
Q4。 If G and H practice before J, then who will practice on Sunday?
A) I
B) L
C) K
D) F
If G and H practice before J, so that theymust practie before Saturday, rule out G and H, F, J, and L, so only K could practice on Sunday, and K could not follow J who may be on Saturday, answer is A) I.
Q5, if K practice third, then we know which days that how many people practice, including Kelly?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
这句英语的意思是在K第三个出场, 也就是 在周三play 的条件下,有几个人的schedule?是确定的? K 不能 follow J,所以周二只能是 F play, so 我们知道 F, K, L, J的 schedule,
answer isC) 4
Q6, if G practice before J and J practice before L , then who will practice on Friday?
A) J
B) G
C) K
D) I
From the constrains , we have above diagram, only K and I left for , and 5, but K can not follow J on 3, so that K has to practice at Friday, answer is C) K.