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口译名师教小词 (16):turn

口译名师Kaitlin教小词 (16):turn

   昨天眼看着上海的阳光渐渐被乌云遮住,为了躲开讨厌的下雨天我干脆飞来了北京...带了很多的衣服,原以为北京会冷很多,but it turned out quite comfy!!(结果天气却很宜人!)

    今天就讲讲turn这个小词。由于turn在口语当中用法比较多,我把它分为Part A&B,这样讲起来会比较清楚。Alright~首先刚才我用了一个turn out,意思是“结果是...”,往往这个结果比预期的要不同。比如我们可以说I thought the book was dry, but it turned out a lot fun!(我原以为这本书很枯燥,但结果却很有趣!)有的同学刚毕业开始工作可能不适应,但是我会安慰他们说"Don't worry. The rookie may turn out to be the MVP in the team!"(别灰心,菜鸟很可能成为最佳队员哦!)当然turn out在口语里面还有一个很常用的意思,就是get out of bed(起床),例如I turned out early today because I have a con-call this morning.(我今天起得很早,因为有个电话会议)

    讲了turn out,自然要讲一下turn in.turn in在口语里面常用的意思主要有三个。第一是"to hand in" or "to give over"(上交),比如turn in the homework(上交作业)。第二个常用的意思是“告发”,比如Mr.Anderson got killed last night. And the murderer turned himself in the next morning.(Anderson昨天晚上被杀了,杀人犯第二天早上自己去自首了。)<~~~~为什么我会想到这个例子~~~~>第三个意思大家也应该能猜到,就是go to bed. I've been turning in late these days.(我最近一直很晚才睡)

    上次讲check out的时候提到”看美女”,知道“回头率很高”怎么说嘛?嘿嘿,turn heads~ She looks gorgeous and really turns heads when walking on the street.(她很美,走在马路上回头率很高)head可以turn,table也同样可以turn哦~turn the tables,意思是“扭转局面”。There's only 10 seconds to go. The Lakers has a slim chance to turn the tables.(还剩十秒,湖人队看来很难扭转局面了)对了,钥匙开门的那个动作“扭”也是用turn哦!turn the key.

    你有过被人拒绝的经历嘛?派对的邀请被朋友拒绝,求职被面试的公司拒绝,更惨的是被喜欢的人拒绝...表示"拒绝"的英文很多,有deject, refuse, decline...今天教给大家一个很简单的turn down(是的,我知道这个词也有“把声音关小”的意思, yet I don't think it's worth mentioning here...)比如 He popped the question last night. But I turned him down.(他昨晚向我求婚了,但是我拒绝了他)或者也可以说 Katie has a pretty tight schedule this weekend so she turned down the dinner invitation.(Katie这周末很忙,所以她婉拒了晚宴邀请)

    turn这个词在大家印象里肯定跟“开关”有很大关系,例如turn on/off the light.但是口语里面,同样的短语,意思却有很大变化哦~先说说turn on. turn someone on to something,意思是“激发起某人对某事的兴趣”。我一直很不喜欢看话剧,但是自从上回来北京看了《恋爱中的犀牛》,我对话剧的兴趣立即被激发了。I was totally turned on to drama.(友情提醒:这里的to后面一定要跟名词或者ing哦~)turn on someone,也是一个用法,意思是attack,指责别人。Give a second thought to it before you turn on your coworkers.(在你指责你的同事之前请三思)

    turn off和turn on是一对antonym(反义词),比如你可以说All those Hollywood big budget productions have turned me off!(好莱坞大片已经让我倒了胃口)现在的电影是越来越没意思了,为了追求商业利益,the directors turn a deaf ear to the audiences' demands. turn a deaf ear就是我们常说的“把...当耳旁风”.有个类似的短语turn a blind eye,大家也能猜到意思啦,“视而不见” Never turn a blind eye to Kaitlin's magic words! Ha ha! Keep your eyes wide open to the magic of English~
