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THE GREAT GATSBY:了不起的盖茨比(英文朗读版)

《THE GREAT GATSBY:了不起的盖茨比(英文朗读版)》为英文原版,配朗读录音,免费下载,是英语学习的最佳原版读物
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THE GREAT GATSBY:了不起的盖茨比(英文朗读版) 去商家看看

THE GREAT GATSBY:了不起的盖茨比(英文朗读版)

《THE GREAT GATSBY:了不起的盖茨比(英文朗读版)》为英文原版,配朗读录音,免费下载,是英语学习的最佳原版读物之一。《THE GREAT GATSBY:了不起的盖茨比》首次出版于1925年,20世纪美国著名小说家F?S?菲茨杰拉德代表作,被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,曾入选20世纪百部最佳英文小说,20世纪50年代后的数十年间一度成为美国高中、大学文学课的标准教材。小说以未成名作家尼克的视角出发,全面展现了美国20年代纸醉金迷的上层社会生活,人与人之间的虚情寡义,以及“美国梦”在幻想、爱情与谎言中的破灭。

Described as "the great American novel", The Great Gatsby has become a standard text for generations of American students and one of the most beloved books of all time. First published on April 10, 1925, The Great Gatsby is set on Long Island's North Shore and in New York City during the summer of 1922. It is a critique of the American Dream. The novel takes place following the First World War. American society enjoyed having unprecedented levels of prosperity during the "roaring" 1920s as the economy soared. At the same time, Prohibition, the ban on the sale and manufacture of alcohol as mandated by the Eighteenth Amendment, made millionaires out of bootleggers. After its republishing in 1945 and 1953, it quickly found a wide readership and is today widely regarded as a paragon of the Great American Novel, and a literary classic. The Great Gatsby has become a standard text in high school and university courses on American literature in countries around the world, and is ranked second in the Modern Library's lists of the 100 Best Novels of the 20th Century.


网友对THE GREAT GATSBY:了不起的盖茨比(英文朗读版)的评论

最后一章后半部分缺的!坑爹呢?! 小舟逆流而上那一段呢


书是好书,但竟然没有生词提示,遗憾,明明说有Word Wise ,坑人!

电子书少了原书的最后一页 赶紧补齐吧

太喜欢盖茨比了.买了实体版多次比较发现Kindle 版后面少了一大段,希望出版社能够赶紧修复。


I saw the movie, than want to take a look of book. That really because the movie was void. The book gives a vivid character of gaysby. Contrarily the movie made gaysby like a flirt...
I can feel the book want to express something more profound.




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