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美国历史(出国留学英文版) (西方原版教材之文史经典) (English Edition)

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美国历史(出国留学英文版) (西方原版教材之文史经典) (English Edition)

It is not upon negative features, however, that we rest our case. It is rather upon constructive features.
First. We have written a topical, not a narrative, history. We have tried to set forth the important aspects, problems, and movements of each period, bringing in the narrative rather by way of illustration.
Second. We have emphasized those historical topics which help to explain how our nation has come to be what it is to-day.
Third. We have dwelt fully upon the social and economic aspects of our history, especially in relation to the politics of each period.
Fourth. We have treated the causes and results of wars, the problems of financing and sustaining armed forces, rather than military strategy. These are the subjects, which belong to a history for civilians. These are matters which civilians can understand—matters which they must understand, if they are to play well their part in war and peace.
Fifth. By omitting the period of exploration, we have been able to enlarge the treatment of our own time. We have given special attention to the history of those current questions which must form the subject matter of sound instruction in citizenship.
Sixth. We have borne in mind that America, with all her unique characteristics, is a part of a general civilization. Accordingly we have given diplomacy, foreign affairs, world relations, and the reciprocal influences of nations their appropriate place.
Seventh. We have deliberately aimed at standards of maturity.
The study of a mere narrative calls mainly for the use of the memory. We have aimed to stimulate habits of analysis, comparison, association, reflection, and generalization—habits calculated to enlarge as well as inform the mind. We have been at great pains to make our text clear, simple, and direct; but we have earnestly sought to stretch the intellects of our readers— to put them upon their mettle. Most of them will receive the last of their formal instruction in the high school. The world will soon expect maturity from them. Their achievements will depend upon the possession of other powers than memory alone. The effectiveness of their citizenship in our republic will be measured by the excellence of their judgment as well as the fullness of their information。

网友对美国历史(出国留学英文版) (西方原版教材之文史经典) (English Edition)的评论



1964年—1980年的美国历史 主要条目:第一次石油危机和第二次石油危机 美国和苏联的冷战至这段时期仍未停止。其间美国和苏联展开了一连串的太空竞赛,苏联 美国历史 派出了世界首个太空人加加林上太空,而美国则派太空人首次登陆月球。 七十年代越南爆发战争,北越与南越开战,美国为阻止苏联和共产势力扩张,毅然介入越战。其间美军伤亡人数不断增加,最终北越统一了越南,美国的企图未能实现。





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