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Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy | |||
Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy |
出版日期: 2010年6月1日
《Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy(猫武士外传之2:蓝星的预言)》中艾琳为大家呈现了一个非常不一样的火星哦!对于火星的粉丝们来说,书中那个时常犹豫不定,有时还会犯迷糊的火星,既不像首部曲中初入森林的拉斯特那样纯真无畏,也不是三部曲中那个沉稳睿智、掌控全局的资深族长。但这就是最真实的火星:在看到旧日的两脚兽有了新的宠物猫时的复杂心情,在对斑叶的依赖与对沙风的爱恋之间的困惑,在面对远古天族族长重托时的畏缩,在重建天族受挫时的沮丧……火星作为一只命运特殊的猫,也有着很多跟普通猫一样的弱点。
You are fire, and You will blaze through the forest
Bluestarleader of ThunderClanhas been prophesied to guide her Clan to power in a time of great turmoil. But closely guarded secrets from the past haunt her every paw step, and dark shadows whisper in her ears. Will she protect her Clan? Or collapse under the weight of her destiny?
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