牛人的简历 所有教育经历都是NOFINISHED.
Kidong Lee's Experience
Architect, Developer, Kanban Leader.
RnB Soft
May 2013 – July 2013 (3 months) Seoul
Period: 2013. 05. 02 – 2013. 07. 31
Company: RnBSoft
Description: Big Data Analytics System Solution Development.
Role: Architect, Developer, Kanban Leader.
Technologies: Kafka, Storm, Memcached, Hadoop, Hbase, Netty, Vert.x, Spring, Oozie, Spring Data, Disruptor, Cascading, Jcascalog, Cascalog, Mahout, Ganglia, JMX, Nagios, Graphite, ElephantDB, Sqoop, Avro, Trevni, Parquet, Camus
Architect, Developer, Kanban Leader.
Samsung Electronics
Public Company; 10,001+ employees; Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing industry
August 2012 – January 2013 (6 months) Seoul
Smart Interaction
- Period: 2012. 08. 06 – 2013. 01. 31
- Company: Samsung Electronics
- Description: Smart TV Big Data Analytics System
- Role: Architect, Developer, Kanban Leader.
- Technologies: Kafka, Storm, Redis, Memcached, Hadoop, Hbase, Netty, Vert.x, Spring, Spring Batch, Spring Data, Disruptor, Pig, Cascading, Mahout, Ganglia, JMX
Enterprise Architect
December 2011 – July 2012 (8 months) Seoul
Kanban based Process Coaching.
Log Data Collection, Big Data Analysis System.
Enterprise Architect, Java Developer
GS Home Shopping
November 2010 – November 2011 (1 year 1 month)
GS Recommender
- Period: 2010. 11. 22 - 2011. 11. 18
- Company: GS Home Shopping
- Description: Personalized Item Recommendation System
- Role: Enterprise Architect, Java Developer, Kanban based Development Coordinator.
- Technologies: NOSQL(MongoDB, Hadoop, Cassandra, Hazelcast), Messaging Queue(ZeroMQ, ActiveMQ), Messaging Format(Avro), ESB(Camel, Spring Integration), Spring, Machine Learning(Mahout), Pig, Distributed Search(Solandra: Solr + Cassandra), ALM(Maven, Artifactory, SVN, Jenkins, Sonar, TargetProcess), Kanban based Agile Process.
Java Architect, Java Developer
GS Home Shopping
July 2010 – November 2010 (5 months) Seoul
GS Home Shopping NOSQL Pilot
- Period: 2010. 07. 22 – 2010. 11. 21
- Company: GS Home Shopping
- Description: NOSQL Pilot to avoid SPOB using RDBMS and to provide Scalability horizontally.
- Role: Java Architect, Java Developer.
- Technologies: Distributed Cache(Redis, Memcached), Data Grid(Hazelcast, Infinispan), Distributed DB(Cassandra, mongoDB), Spring, Apache Camel, Maven
Chief Architect
Omega Society
September 2009 – April 2010 (8 months)
Omega Hub GEO Remoting OSGi
- Period: 2010. 03. 15 – 2010. 04. 02
- Company: Omega Society
- Description: Converting Presentation Layer Remoting of Omega Hub GEO into OSGi Bundles.
- Role: Java Architect, Java Developer providing OSGi development environments and developing OSGi Bundles.
- Technologies: Spring DM, Spring dm Server, Equinox, Apache Camel, Spring, Drools, Active MQ, Hibernate, JSON, GWT, Spring MVC.
Omega Hub GEO
- Period: 2009. 09. 17 – 2010. 03. 12
- Company: Omega Society
- Description: Mashup Service of Map which is integrated with the Map Providers(Google, Nave, Yahoo, Daum) and enterprise data.
- Role: Java Architect, Java Developer providing project build environments, SOA platform and developing application.
- Technologies: Mule ESB, Spring, Drools, Active MQ, Redis, Hibernate, JSON, GWT, Spring MVC, Maven
Java Architect / Java Developer
Gaea Soft, Varovision
December 2008 – July 2009 (8 months)
- Period: 2008. 12. 10 – 2009. 07. 13
- Company: Varovision, Gaea Soft
- Description: KT Service Delivery Platform.
- Role: Java Architect, Java Developer
Providing SOA Platform and Development Framework, Service Composition Programming Model, Development Guide.
Mentoring for SOA Framework.
Providing Project Build / Dependency Management Environment.
Developing Real-Time Monitoring System based on Complex Event Processing
- Technologies: Mule ESB, Spring, Data Grid Coherence, CEP Engine Esper, Lucene, Solr, Hadoop, Cloudbase, Spring Batch, Hibernate, Memcached, DWR Reverse Ajax, JMS, Mina, Maven, Struts2.
Java Developer / Java Architect
Zibek, Daum
July 2008 – November 2008 (5 months)
- Period: 2008. 07. 21 – 2008. 11. 24
- Company: Zibek, Daum
- Description: aT Internet Customer Support System
- Role: Java Architect, Java Developer
Providing JEE Enterprise Framework, Development Guide.
Mentoring for JEE Framework.
Developing XSLT Service.
- Technologies: JSF, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Security, Drools, JAXB, Hibernate Search, Lucene, XSLT
Java Architect
Big One Soft
June 2007 – April 2008 (11 months)
KTF KHUB Upgrade Proposal
- Period: 2007. 06. 11 – 2007. 08. 31, 2007. 10. 08 – 2008. 04. 30
- Company: Big One Soft, Gaea Soft
- Description: KTF Service Delivery Platform Upgrade Proposal
- Role: Java Architect
Proposal: Development of Component Programming Model based SOA Application. Enterprise Integration with ESB, Scalable SOA Platform with Java Grid like GigaSpaces.
- Technologies: Spring Framework, Spring OSGi, GigaSpaces, Mule, Apache Camel, Apache Tuscany, Apache CXF, Jboss Drools, jBPM, Jackrabbit, Groovy, Grails
Java Developer / Architect
Gaea Soft
November 2006 – May 2007 (7 months)
- Period: 2006. 11. 01 – 2007. 05. 21
- Company: Gaea Soft
- Description: LGT Contents Management System.
- Role: Java Architect, Java Developer
Providing Component Programming Model based JEE Enterprise Framework and Development Guide.
Mentoring for JEE Framework.
Development of Massive File Upload Server.
- Technologies: Spring Framework(DI, AOP, Service Abstraction), Axis / Hessian Web Service, iBatis, JAXB
Java Developer / Architect
June 2006 – September 2006 (4 months)
Board Space
- Period: 2006. 08. 01 – 2006. 09. 30
- Description: Board Game Server
- Role: Java Architect, Java Developer
Designing and Developing Board Game Server, Management System.
- Technologies: Java, Java Servlet, JDBC, iBATIS, Spring, Mina, XML Binding, Fast Infoset, Apache Axis, Log4j, Ant
- Period: 2006. 06. 26 – 2006. 07. 31
- Description: DRE Algorightm Search Service
- Role: Java Developer
Developing DRE Algorightm based Search Service.
- Technologies: Java, Java Servlet, JDBC, XML Binding, Fast Infoset, Log4j, Ant
Java Developer
Duri, Motech
October 2005 – June 2006 (9 months)
Paran MBOX
- Period: 2005. 10. 17 – 2006. 06. 20
- Company: Duri, Motech
- Description: Paran MBOX
- Role: Java Developer
Providing JEE Enterprise Framework, and developing JEE Application.
- Technologies: Java, Java Servlet, JSP, XML Binding, Log4J, Ant, JDBC, Lucene.
Java Developer
Penta Soft
May 2005 – August 2005 (4 months)
- Period: 2005. 05. 17 – 2005. 08. 12
- Company: Penta Soft
- Description: KFTC Electronic Draft System
- Role: Java Developer
Providing JEE Enterprise Framework, and developing JEE Application.
- Technologies: Java, Java Servlet, JSP, XML Binding, Log4J, Ant, JDBC, Socket
Java Developer
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Information Technology and Services industry
December 2004 – April 2005 (5 months)
- Period: 2004. 12. 09 - 2005. 04. 20
- Company: MaxSoft
- Description: Hyundai Motor Commercial Motors Ordering System
- Role: Java Developer
Providing JEE Enterprise Framework, and developing JEE Application.
- Technologies: Java, Java Servlet, Java Applet, Java Communications API(Barcode Scann), JSP, XML Binding(Castor XML), Log4J, Ant, JDBC, CTG, i-Text(Barcode in PDF)
Java Developer
Cyment, NGener
January 2004 – November 2004 (11 months)
- Period: 2004. 01. 05 - 2004. 11. 30
- Company: Cyment, NGener
- Description: Enterprise Messenger Server
- Role: Java Developer
Developing Enterprise Messenger Server.
- Technologies: Java, Castor XML, Socket, Log4J, JDBC, Java Mail, Java RMI, SOAP
Java Developer
August 2003 – November 2003 (4 months)
- Period: 2003. 08 – 2003. 11
- Company: Telecture
- Description: LMS(Learning Management System)
- Role: Java Developer
Developing JEE Application.
- Technologies: XML, XSL, Xpath, JDBC, Java Servlet(JSP), JavaMail
Java Developer
February 2003 – July 2003 (6 months)
Beauty Manager
- Period: 2003. 02 - 2003. 07
- Company: DigitalKorea
- Description: Web-based Customer Management System for the beauty salon.
- Role: Java Developer
Developing JEE Application.
- Technologies: Java applets, Servlets, XML, JDBC, ActiveX Control(Interaction between PET Card Device and Web App), JavaMail
Java Developer
R. Barth KG
October 2001 – July 2002 (10 months)
R. Barth KG
- Period: 2001. 10 – 2002. 07
- Company: R. Barth KG
- Description: R. Barth KG Web Site.
- Role: Java Developer
Developing JEE Application.
- Technologies: JSP, Java Beans, XML, Applets, taglib, soap-rmi web services, JDBC, Java Mail.
Java Developer
silverscreen Location
October 2000 – June 2001 (9 months)
- Period: 2001. 05 – 2001. 06
- Company: silverscreen
- Description: Explorer-like treeview navigation
- Role: Java Developer
Developing JEE Application.
- Technologies: JSP, Java Bean
SQLClass Generator
- Period: 2001. 04 – 2001. 05
- Company: silverscreen
- Description: SQL Java Class Generator Tool
- Role: Java Developer
Developing SQL Java Class Generator Tool.
- Technologies: Java, Castor XML Binding
- Period: 2001. 03 – 2001. 04
- Company: silverscreen
- Description: Bug Tracking Demo System
- Role: Java Developer
Developing Bug Tracking Demo System.
- Technologies: XML, Velocity template language, Turbine, Castor JDO, Castor XML
Web Conferencing Talkline
- Period: 2001. 02 – 2001. 03
- Company: silverscreen
- Description: Web Conference System
- Role: Java Developer
Developing XML Marshal / Unmarshal.
- Technologies: JSP, Java Bean, XML, Xerces
- Period: 2000. 10 – 2000. 12
- Company: silverscreen
- Description: House Planning System.
- Role: Java Developer
Developing JEE Application.
- Technologies: Enterprise Java Bean, JSP, Taglib, Java Beans
VB Developer
July 2000 – September 2000 (3 months)
Period: 2000. 07 – 2000. 09
Company: BDL
Description: Netian German Version
Role: ASP Developer
Technologies: ASP
Kidong Lee's Education
Hamburger Fachhochschule
NOT FINISHED, Medientechnik
1997 – 2002
Sungkyunkwan University
NOT FINISHED, Chemical Engineering
1990 – 1995
Airforce Academy
1989 – 1989