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托福写作: 文化类专业词汇汇总



  民间艺术         folk arts

  高雅艺术         refined art

  戏剧艺术         theatrical art

  电影艺术         cinematographic art

  爱国主义精神       patriotism

  文化产业         culture industry

  文化事业         cultural undertaking

  文化交流         cross-cultural communication

  文化冲突         culture shock

  乡村文化         rural culture

  民族文化         national culture

  表演艺术         performing art

  文化底蕴         cultural deposit

  华夏祖先         the Chinese ancestors

  同宗同源         of the same origin

  中国文学         Chinese literature

  中国武术         Chinese martial art/Kung Fu

  中国书法         Chinese calligraphy

  哲学家          philosopher

  四大发明         the four great inventions of ancient China

  火药           gunpowder

  造纸术          paper-making

  印刷术          printing

  指南针          the compass

  四书           the Four Books

  大学           the Great Learning

  中庸           the Doctrine of the Mean

  论语           the Analects of Confucius

  孟子           the Mencius

  孔子           Confucius

  孟子           Mencius

  老子           Lao Tzu

  庄子           Chuang Tzu

  墨子           Mo Tzu

  孙子           Sun Tzu

  中国画          traditional Chinese painting

  水墨画          Chinese brush painting;ink and wash painting

  武术门派         styles or schools of martial art

  习武健身         practice martial art for fitness

  古代格斗术        ancient form of combat

  武林高手         top martial artist

  气功           Qigong;deep breathing exercises

  空手道          karate

  拳击           boxing

  击剑           fencing

  跆拳道          tae kwon do

  柔道           judo

  中国武术协会       Chinese Martial Art Association

  武侠小说         tales of roving knights/kung fu novels

  汉学家          sinologist/sinologue

  偏旁部首         radical

  笔画           stroke

  中国热          Sinomania

  汉语的四声调       the four tones of Chinese characters

  平声           level tone

  上声           rising tone

  仄声           falling-rising tone

  去声           falling tone

  孙子兵法         the Art of War

  西游记          Journey to the West;Pilgrimage to the West

  三国演义         Romance of Three Kingdoms

  红楼梦          Dreams of the Red Mansions

  水浒传          Heroes of the Marshes;Tales of the Water Margin

  资治通鉴         History as a Mirror

  春秋           the Spring and Autumn Annals

  史记           Historical Records

  诗经           the Book of Songs;the Book of Odes

  书经           the Book of History

  易经           I Ching;the Book of Changes

  礼记           the Book of Rites

  三字经          three-character scripture/three-word chant

  八股文          eight-part essay/stereotyped writing

  五言绝句         five-character quatrain

  七言律诗         seven-character octave

  四合院          quadrangle

  京剧           Peking Opera

  独角戏          monodrama

  杂技           acrobatics

  相声           witty dialogue comedy,standup comedy

  马戏           circus show

  哑剧           pantomime;mime

  踩高跷          stilt walk

  说书           story-telling

  木偶戏          puppet show

  口技           ventriloquism

  京剧票友         amateur performer of Peking Opera

  篆刻           sealcutting

  图章           seal

  工艺           workmanship/craftsmanship

  手工艺品         handicraft

  泥人           clay figure

  唐三彩          trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

  陶器           pottery

  苏绣           Suzhou embroidery

  文房四宝         the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study-a writing brush,

  an ink stick,an ink stone and paper

  寓言           fable

  神话           mythology

  传说           legend

  十二生肖         zodiac

  公历           gregorian calendar

  阴历           lunar calendar

  对联           antithetical couplet

  天干           heavenly stem

  地支           earthly branch

  闰年           leap year

  二十四节气        the twenty-four solar terms

  本命年          one’s year of birth in the circle of twelve years

  传统节日         traditional holidays

  春节           Spring Festival

  元宵节          Lantern Festival

  清明节          Pure Brightness Festival

  端午节          dragon boat festival

  中秋节          Mid-Autumn Festival

  重阳节          Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day

  才子佳人         gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

  中华文明         Chinese civilization

  朝代           dynasty

  中外学者         Chinese and overseas scholars

  考古学家         archaeologist

  人类学家         anthropologist

  进化论          Darwinism

  无神论          atheism

  宿命论          determinism

  启蒙运动         enlightenment

  辩证的          dialectic

  先知           illuminati

  佛教           Buddhism

  儒教           Confucianism

  道教           Taoism

  形而上学         metaphysics

  基督教          Christianity

  新教           Protestant

  天主教          Catholicism

  洗礼           baptism

  伊斯兰教         Islam

  教堂           Church

  寺庙           temple

  修道院          abbey

  礼拜堂          chapel

  斋月           Ramadan;month of fast

  喇嘛           Lama

  邪教           cult

  宗教仪式         religious ritual

  异教徒          infidel

  宗教矛盾         religious contradictions

  孔庙           temple of Confucius




