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  Task 5

  【学生困难】:女生要在周末组织一个户外音乐节outdoor music festival,weather forecast却说周末两天可能会一直下雨,女生担心活动没办法按时举行。


  方案一: 推迟(postpone)到下周末举办。下周天气会好。

  评价:但是女生怕请来的学生乐队student band players会有人无法出席,他们下周末可能有别的plan了。




  1、 阐述谁有什么困难(The girl has confronted with a problem that she is afraid that the outdoor music festival will not be held on time this weekend because it is said to rain according to the broadcast.)

  2、 阐述解决这个困难的两个方案(There are two solutions to this problem. The first one is to postpone the festival to next week when the weather will get better. The second one is to hold it still at this weekend because it will rain only a while.)

  3、 表明自己的建议与理由(Personally, I would recommend the girl adopt the second solution. Because the student band players won’t be available next week and besides, it would be romantic to attend the music festival when it rains a little. The only thing to do for the girl is to prepare enough rain clothes and umbrellas for students to use.)

  Task 6

  【讲课要点】:商家business 克服销售的barrier,促销的两种方法:

  方法1:用广告促销:很多顾客不买他们的商品是因为很多顾客都不知道他们的产品很好lack of knowledge。

  举例:一个卖有助于小孩记数字玩具toy 的company,做了一个research,可以做广告告诉顾客公司的这个商品有多好。

  方法2:卖贵的东西,lack of money,提供分期付款。

  举例:computer company让付不起钱的客人逐月付款。


  阐述教授讲授的主要中心词并且进行举例展开(The professor introduces two ways for business to overcome sale barriers. The first way is to sell products using advertisements. Most customers do not buy the products because they are lack of the knowledge that the products are good. She/he gives an example to support that. There is a company selling toys that can help children count. It conducts a research that proves that the company would sell more toys by advertising how it works and why it is a good choice. The second way of sales is to let those who are lack of money to pay for expensive products by installment. For example, there is a computer company succeeds in selling more computers by allowing its customers to pay for the computers on a monthly basis.)

