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  Task 3

  【公开信】:一个学生写信给学校proposes that学校Radio center换歌,放很少听到的歌(lessened-known) 。

  优点一:可以为学校吸引更多学生attract students。

  优点二:学生会因为不熟悉歌曲, 听到后就会去找演奏者资料,有助于educate students。


  理由1: 大多数学校的广播音乐放得都一样,放不熟悉的歌可以变得独特。

  理由2: 加入一些讨论音乐的节目,帮助同学们了解音乐史等。


  1、 简明阐述学生倡议和两点理由(The student proposes that the radio center in his/her school should change songs, meaning broadcasting songs that are lessened-known. By doing so, it will attract more students and encourage them to search information of players once they are unfamiliar with them, which could be very educational.)

  2、 阐述男生/女生态度及理由(The boy/ girl approves this proposal for the two reasons: Firstly, the school would be unique and quite special by broadcasting unfamiliar songs to students, unlike any other schools. Secondly, it will also help students get acknowledged to the music history by adding programs discussing it.)

  3、 时间富裕的情况下可以进行总结(So that’s why he/she agrees with the student’s suggestion to change songs in his/her school.)

  Task 4

  【名词解释】:search image(搜寻印象):by多次捕食preys,predators can memorize the image of a kind of preys。With the image,predators can tell preys easily and catch them efficiently。

  【教授举例】:教授举了一个关于birds的例子。A sort of caterpillars is green and lives on green leaves, and thus it is difficult for birds to tell at first,所以鸟就吃得少。Later, birds developed search images of caterpillars, and can easily distinguish caterpillars according to their special head parts. Thus they prey a lot.


  1、 点明阅读关键术语,并根据笔记内容进行释义解释。(The reading passage introduces search image which means by catching preys for many times, predators can memorize the image of the kind of preys, with which the predators can tell preys easily and catch them efficiently.)

  2、 根据听力笔记阐述教授举例,注意举例与阅读材料之间的对应关系。(The professor gives an example of birds to further explain search image. There is a sort of caterpillar that is green and lives on green leaves, leaving it difficult for birds to tell at first and unable to eat. Later, birds developed search images of caterpillars, which can help them distinguish caterpillars easily according to their special head parts. Thus they prey a lot.)
