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  Thank you for your enquiry of 12 March cate 9 cable.

  We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.

  We would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer the following material as a close substitute:

  Cate 5, US$__ per meter FOB Shanghai, including your commission 2%.

  Please visit our catalog at http://www.xxxxxxxxx.com for more information on this item. If you find the product acceptable, please email us as soon as possible.



  Dear Mr. Jones:

  We thank you for your email enquiry for both groundnuts and Walnutmeat CNF Copenhagen dated February, 21.

  In reply, we offer firm, subject to your reply reaching us on or before February 26 for 250 metric tons of groundnuts, handpicked, shelled and ungraded at RMB2000 net per metric ton CNF Copenhagen and any other European Main Ports. Shipment to be made within two months after receipt of your order payment by L/C payable by sight draft.

  Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.

  As you are aware that there has lately been a large demand for the above commodities. Such growing demand will likely result in increased prices. However you can secure these prices if you send us an immediate reply.


  Dear Mr. Jones:

  We thank you for your letter dated April 8 inquiring about our leather

  handbags. As requested, we take pleasure in offering you, subject to our final confirmation, 300 dozen deerskin handbags style No.MS190 at $124.00 per dozen CIF Hamburg. Shipment will be effected within 20 days after receipt of the relevant L/C issued by your first class bank in our favor upon signing Sales Contract.

  We are manufacturing various kinds of leather purses and waist belts for exportation, and enclosed a brochure of products for your reference. We hope some of them meet your taste and needs.

  If we can be of any further help, please feel free to let us know. Customers’ inquiries are always meet with our careful attention.


  Re: SWC Sugar

  Dear Sirs,

  We are in receipt of your letter of July 17, 2002 asking us to offer 10,000 metric tons of the subject sugar for shipment to Japan and appreciate very much your interest in our product.

  To comply with your request, we are offering you the following:

  1. Commodity: Qingdao Superior White Crystal Sugar.

  2. Packing: To be packed in new gunny bag of 100kgs. each.

  3. Quantity: Ten thousand (10000) metric tons.

  4. Price: US dollars one hundred and five (US$105.00) per metric ton, Fob Qingdao.

  5. Payment: 100% by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit to be opened in our favor through A1 bank in Qingdao and to be drawn at sight.

  6. Shipment: Three or four weeks after receipt of letter of credit by the first available boat sailing to Yokohama direct.

  Please note that we do not have much ready stock on and. Therefore, it is important that, in order to enable us to effect early shipment, your letter of credit should be opened in time if our price meets with your approval.

  We are awaiting your reply.



  Dear :

  Thank you for your inquiry of 16 March. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our product "toaster".

  We’ve enclosed the photo and detailed information of the product for your reference:

  Product: toaster

  Specification: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  Package: 1pcs/box

  Price: 10usd/pcs

  Payment: L/C

  For purchase quantities over 1,000pcs of individual items we would allow you a discount of 1%. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L.C at sight.

  We look forward to receiving your first order.



  Dear Mr. Jones:

  We have received your letter of 9th April showing your interest in our complete product information.

  Our product lines mainly include high quality textile products. To give you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now available for export, we have enclosed a catalogue and a price list. You may also visit our online company introduction at Http://xxxxxxxxxx.alibaba.com which includes our latest product line.

  We look forward to your specific enquiries and hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the future.


  Mark Li


  I enclose an illustrated supplement toour catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from stock. We are most gratified that you have, for several yeas. Include a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady. We believe that you will find our new designs most attractive. Theyshould get a very good reception in your market. Once you have had time to study the upplement , please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection. For your information, we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which ,should do well in the North American market. We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearingfrom you.

  随函寄奉配有插图的商品目录附页,介绍最新设计的产品。贵公司的邮购目录多年来收录本公司产品,产品销售成绩理想,特此致以深切谢意。最新设计的产品巧夺天工,定能吸引顾客选购。烦请参阅上述附页,需查看样本,请赐复,本公司乐意交劳。 本公司现正设计一系列款式古典的英国餐具,适合北美市场需求。如感兴趣,亦请赐知。愿进一步加强联系,并候复音。

  6. 为商贸指南兜揽广告

  Thank you for your business. You arecurrently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was a wise move on your part. We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which willbe published in April 1995.The new edition will be expanded to include major manufacturers of plumbing equipment in the European Community. For proper coverage in the directory, you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple listing, you will be ableto buy space in additional categories at half price. You can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of allthe major decision makers in the building and hardware trades. Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee. Thanks again for your business.

  衷心感谢惠顾。贵公司商号已刊登在本公司的商贸指南中。该指南乃唯一覆盖英国全部建筑公司的刊物,在此刊登广告确是明智之举。现下筹备1998年4月版 的贸易批南,新版会罗列欧洲贡同体的主要铅管业制造商。为达到出色的宣传效果,贵公司宜考虑在不同类别刊登广告。如蒙惠顾,除首个广告外,其余类别的广告将可获半价优惠。该指南将分送给所有建筑公司和五金器具公司主管。烦表填妥随附表格,连同广告费用一并寄回。 专此盼候佳音。
