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  Romney treads a fine line with Hispanics over deportation order

  Mitt Romney avoided taking a firm position yesterday on President Barack Obama’s order to halt the deportation of children of illegal immigrants, highlighting his campaign’s dilemma – to widen its appeal to Hispanic voters while not alienating the Republican party’s conservative base, which backs harsh immigration laws.

  米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)昨日避免对巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)暂停驱逐非法移民子女的法令持强硬立场,突显出其竞选团队的两难处境——既要扩大对拉丁裔美国人的吸引力,又不致疏远共和党的保守派根基,后者支持实施严厉的移民法律。

  On CBS’s Face the Nation , Mr Romney attacked Mr Obama for “doing nothing on immigration” since taking office and then resorting to a politically motivated stopgap measure rather than pursuing a permanent fix.

  在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)新闻节目“面对国家”(Face the Nation)中,罗姆尼指责奥巴马自上台以来在“移民问题上毫无作为”,然后付诸政治动机的权宜之计,而非寻求永久的解决办法。

  But Mr Romney declined to say whether he would seek to overturn the measure allowing children of illegal immigrants to remain in the country and work legally on a temporary basis.


  Mr Obama’s move was an attempt by the White House to reinforce its advantage with Hispanics, a potentially pivotal voting bloc in the November presidential election.


  By putting Mr Romney on the defensive on the issue, Mr Obama’s re-election team is trying to regain momentum after a rough few weeks during which the presumptive Republican candidate has gained traction in many polls, capitalising mainly on the fresh slowdown in the US economic recovery.

