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口译笔译分类词汇系列之会计词汇 2(2)


  原材料 raw materials

  包装物 wrappage

  低值易耗品 low-value consumption goods

  库存商品 finished goods

  委托加工物资 work in process-outsourced

  委托代销商品 trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis

  受托代销商品 commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis

  存货跌价准备 inventory falling price reserve

  分期收款发出商品 collect money and send out the goods by stages

  待摊费用 deferred and prepaid expenses

  长期股权投资 long-term investment on stocks

  长期债权投资 long-term investment on bonds

  长期投资减值准备 long-term investment depreciation reserve

  固定资产 fixed assets

  累计折旧 accumulated depreciation

  工程物资 project goods and material

  在建工程 project under construction

  固定资产清理 fixed assets disposal

  无形资产 intangible assets

  开办费 organization/preliminary expenses

  长期待摊费用 long-term deferred and prepaid expenses

  待处理财产损溢 wait deal assets loss or income

  负债类 debts

  短期借款 short-term loan

  应付票据 notes payable

  应付帐款 accounts payable

  预收帐款 advance payment

  代销商品款 consignor payable

  应付工资 accrued payroll

  应付福利费 accrued welfarism

  应付股利 dividends payable

  应交税金 tax payable

  其他应交款 accrued other payments

  其他应付款 other payable

  预提费用 drawing expenses in advance

  长期借款 long-term loan

  应付债券 debenture payable

  长期应付款 long-term payable

  递延税款 deferred tax

  住房周转金 revolving fund of house

  所有者权益 owners equity

  股本 paid-up stock

  资本公积 capital reserve

  盈余公积 surplus reserve

  本年利润 current year profit

  利润分配 profit distribution

  成本类 cost

  生产成本 cost of manufacture

  制造费用 manufacturing overhead

     损益类 profit and loss (p/l)

  主营业务收入 prime operating revenue

  其他业务收入 other operating revenue

  折扣与折让 discount and allowance

  投资收益 investment income

  补贴收入 subsidize revenue

  营业外收入 non-operating income

  主营业务成本 operating cost

  主营业务税金及附加 tax and associate charge

  其他业务支出 other operating expenses

  存货跌价损失 inventory falling price loss

  营业费用 operating expenses

  管理费用 general and administrative expenses

  财务费用 financial expenses

  营业外支出 non-operating expenditure

  所得税 income tax

  以前年度损益调整 adjusted p/l for prior year
