连环追尾 pileup (More than 100 cars and trucks are involved in the massive pileup on Highway 99 just south of Fresno as patches of dense fog obscured visibility on the heavily traveled roadway, the California Highway Patrol officials Paul Solorzano Jr. said. 加州高速公路巡逻局官员保罗·索洛萨诺说,出事路段交通繁忙,属于弗雷斯诺市以南的第99号高速公路。当时雾很大,能见度很低,造成100多辆车连环追尾。)
联机环境 on-line environment
廉价商店 discount shop;budget store; discount shop
廉价市场 bargain market; bargain center
廉洁奉公,以正治国 (of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness
恋母情结 Oedipus complex