Hollande takes first place in French poll
François Hollande has taken the lead in the first round of France’s presidential elections, facing a run-off with Nicolas Sarkozy after a vote that produced a record showing for the far right National Front.
法国社会党总统候选人弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)在法国总统选举的首轮投票中得票率领先,他将与尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)进入第二轮的最终对决。在首轮投票中,国民阵线(National Front)的得票率创下该党的历史纪录。
After a bitter campaign marked by opposing visions of how to steer France’s struggling economy through the eurozone crisis, the Socialist challenger won 27.5 per cent of the votes, according to an Ipsos exit poll that was among several broadly matching projections released at the close of voting yesterday evening.
Mr Sarkozy, who is seeking to avoid adding his name to the string of European incumbents swept aside since the start of the sovereign debt crisis, secured 26.6 per cent support.