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  有越来越多的城市年轻夫妻准备签署婚前协议,其中规定了行为守则,涵盖婚姻生活的方方面面。 More young urban couples are going in for prenuptial agreements detailing the rules of conduct for almost every aspect of married life.

  28岁的罗峥(化名)是湖南长沙的一名白领。虽然仍会时不时地想起前任未婚夫来,但对于分手时的林林总总,她感到问心无愧。31岁的李亘(化名)于2007年认识了罗峥,并定于去年12月18日登记结婚。 Luo Zheng (not her real name), 28, an office worker in Changsha, Hunan province, still pines for her former fianc, but does not regret the actions that led to their split. Li Gen (not his real name), 31, and Luo met in 2007, and decided to register as man and wife on Dec 18 last year. 一天早上,罗峥递给李亘几页纸,并告诉他这是他们的婚前协议。 That morning, Luo gave several papers to Li, saying it was their prenuptial marital agreement.

  上面写到:“如果丈夫出轨,他本人需向妻子支付20万元人民币(合2.93万美金)。” It read: "If the husband has an extra-marital affair, he has to pay 200,000 yuan ($29,300) to the wife."

  这些只是协议的一小部分。该协议还规定:“若手机不在服务区,丈夫需立即致电妻子并道歉;如果丈夫夜不归宿,那么需要向妻子支付1000元(合147美金);如果双方发生争吵,无论孰是孰非,丈夫都要先道歉。” That was not all. It went on: "If the husband's mobile phone is not in service, he should report to the wife immediately and apologize; if the husband does not come home for one night, he should pay 1,000 yuan ($147) to the wife; in case of a quarrel, the husband should always be the one to apologize."

  李亘对此非常不快。他愤然离开,几天之后,罗峥收到李亘的短信,上面写到:“如果不信任彼此,我们的婚姻毫无意义。” Li was not amused. He walked out and several days later, sent Luo a short message. "There is no meaning in getting married if we do not trust each other," he wrote.

  签署婚前协议是为了确定,一旦离婚,如何划分资产以及子女的抚养义务。除一些古怪条款外,它通常要经受相关法律的核查。 Pre-nuptial agreements are intended to help determine how commonly held assets, as well as childcare responsibilities, will be shared in the event of a divorce. They usually stand up to the scrutiny of the relevant laws, except for those containing bizarre provisions.

  5.我们的职责是为学生、教员、职员和校园来访者提供安全的环境。Our mission is to provide a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, staff and campus visitors。
