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  Task 1
  Describe one of your friends. Explain how you met and become friends...
  Task 2
  Agree or disagree: personality changes as one grows older.
  Task 3
  学校要求大一学生参加study skill course—— writing methods, research techniques.
  (1)自己写不好。Even can not find the right book.
  (2)small size of class——more interaction——ask questions & share ideas
  Task 4
  Passive locomotion: move ...in order to obtain sources for survival...without using energy
  E.g: spider move:
  目的:spider少的地方——compete for insects
  方式:jumping, walking and by the wind.
  描述:climb to a high point such as a tree...produce silk...
  Slight...wind 吹走 net and the spider attached to it
  Stop when the wind stop or the net is broken.
  Task 5
  Woman’s problem: exited to partipate in the camping trip but has no tent。
  Solutions: (1) borrow one from a friend
  tent is old+has several holes=wet.discomfortable in the rainy day
  (2)buy a new one
  Task 6
  TWO service activity used by non-profit organization to improve a community:
  (1)Advocacy: attract public attention
  Communicate the needs to be satisfied and social problems to be solved to the public
  E.g: build a playgroud——newspapers& ads radio.
  (2) Direct service: take direct actions
  E.g:build the actual playground——organise people+plant trees