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  Task 1: Which of the following Art classes would you be more interested in taking? Wood Sculpture, Painting or Photography?

  三选一,可以学一样art,选哪样? wood sculpture; painting; 摄影;


  I prefer to take Photography course out of the three for the following reasons. First of all, taking photos is fun! Photography gives us a chance to see the world around us differently. It trains our eyes to spot things that are interesting out of the ordinary. Second, Every second that you live is a second more in the past. Every picture that is taken captures those split seconds and stores them timelessly. Pictures are a chart of memories and moments that can be revisited as they were when the image is viewed.

  4/6. sociology,一个女教授说不同种群的人会用自己创造的语音来进行对话。举了两个例子;一个是医生们用自己有的专业知识来进行交流,但对病人就要详细说明;一个是一群share experience的人,有过共同经历,只要mention 事情的keyword就能引起共鸣。 summarize一下就可以了。


  Key Points:

  Main idea: The professor tells us that different people use different ways to communicate with each other.

  Way 1: Doctors use terminology to communicate with each other but they have to be more specific when they communicate with their patients.

  Way 2: In a group that shares experiences, they only have to mention the keywords of something to communicate.

  5. 情景对话,女孩组织一个spring concert 明晚就举行了,但是天气报告说有可能下雨。她有两个solution:改地点到 auditorium;但是本来个音乐会在室外举行,应该会很热闹。她有她的concern' 或者改时间到 the day after tomorrow; 她又担心周日人会不够多,concert不够热闹。然后你二选一,explain一下如何帮她做这个抉择
