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(西方的)三权分立 separation of executive, legislative, and judicial powers

 (企业集团的)松散层 loose level (of an enterprise group)

 360度环幕电影 Circamara

 <<史记>> Shi Ji

 Historical Records

 舍利子 Buddha's relics

 世上无难事,只要肯攀登 "Where there is a will, there is a way. "

 世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world;

 死亡率 mortality

 酸雨 acid rain

 死帐 uncollectible account, bad debt, bad loan

 事业单位 public institution

 摄政王 acting king; prince regent

 枢纽工程 multi-purpose project or pivotal project

 闪电战 blitz; lightning war

 死而后已 until my heart stops beating

 死机 system halted

 世界大学生运动会(大运会) universiade

 世界观、人生观、价值观 world outlook; outlook on life; values

 社论 editorial

 社区服务 community services

 社会名流 celebrity

 社会力量办学 running of schools by non-governmental sectors

 社会效益 social effect/ results/ benefit

 社会热点问题 hot spots of society

 社会治安情况 public security situation

 社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy

 社会主义精神文明建设 socialist ideological and ethical progress

 社会保障制度 social security system

 社会福利彩票 social welfare lotteries

 社会化服务体系 socialized service system; social service system

 市盈率 p/e (price/earning) ratio

 市政工程 municipal works; municipal engineering

 市值 market capitalization

 市场营销学 marketing

 市场占有率 market share

 市场疲软 sluggish market

 市场饱和 market saturation; saturated market

 市场化 marketization

 市场准入 market access

 市话 local calls

 适龄儿童入学率 enrolment rate for children of school age

 岁岁平安 Peace all year round

 申诉权 right of petition

 适销对路的产品 readily marketable products

 适者生存 survival of the fittest

 申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games

 适度从紧的财政政策 moderately tight fiscal policy

 上马 start a project

 上门服务 door-to-door service

 上新台阶 reach a new level; reach a higher stage of development

 上市 to be listed

 上市公司 listed companies

 上山下乡 (of educated urban youth) go and work in the countryside or mountain areas

 送温暖工程 heart-warming project

 身外之物 worldly possessions

 商务旅游 business travel

 身体素质 physique; physical constitution

 上网 to get on the Internet, surf the net

 上有天堂,下有苏杭 "Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth."

 商业网点 commodity network

 商业炒作 commercial speculation

 商业贷款 commercial loan

 商业存在(服务贸易) commercial presence

 释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni

 商品条码 bar code

 商品房空置的现象 the vacancy problem in commercial housing

 商品化 commercialization

 商品经济 commodity economy

 上岗 go to one's post; go on duty

 上海五国第六次峰会 "the sixth summit of ""Shanghai Five"" "

 上海五国机制 the Shanghai Five mechanism

 上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

 商检局 Commodity Inspection Bureau

 深加工 deep processing; further processing

 搜索引擎(计算机) search engine

 神州行电话卡 Shenzhou pre-paid card

 收视率 audience ratings; television viewing

 审时度势 size up the situation

 试用期 probationary period

 收盘价 closing price

 视频点播 video on demand (VOD)

 试点工程 pilot project

 试管婴儿 test-tube baby

 收购兼并 merger and acquisition

 生命银行 bank for keeping the donated organs and remains of dead persons for medical use

 授信贷款 credit extension loan

 授信额度 line of credit

 少数服从多数、下级服从上级、局部服从全体、全党服从中央 "the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee "

寿司 sushi, a Japanese dish of rolls of cold rice flavoured and garnished

 生物圈 biosphere

 塞翁失马,焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.

 生物恐怖主义 bioterrorism

 生态旅游 ecotourism

 生态林 ecological forest

 生态农业 environmental-friendly agriculture

 生意兴隆 Business flourishes

 所有权经营权分离 separate ownership from managerial authority

 所得税 income tax

 售后服务 after-sale services

 三民主义 the Three People's Principles (Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood) put forward by Dr. Sun Yat-sen

 三连冠 three successive championships

 三来一补企业 "the enterprises that process raw materials on clients' demands, assemble parts for the clients and process according to the clients' samples; or engage in compensation trade."

 瘦肉精(盐酸克伦特罗) clenobuterol hydrochloride

三权分立 separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers

 三十而立 "A man should be independent at the age of thirty. At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself."

 三下乡 "a program under which officials, doctors, scientist and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers"

三通 "three direct links of trade, mail, and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits "

 三通一平 "three supplies and one leveling; supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground (conditions ready for further economic development)"

三维电影 three-dimensional movie
