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课程代码:00795ⅰ.语法、词汇。从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填入答题纸相应位置 ...

complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.
(25 points)
1. nowadays some mothers still play ______ big part in the lives of their grown-up
a. / b. a
c. the d. an
2. it’s much braver to ask questions than to suppress your questions and BECome deadened _______the world around you.
a. of b. in
c. on d. to
3. the decorator suggested that he ______ up a screen on the window to let in fresh air and keep out flies.
a. fix b. fixed
c. fixes d. fixing
4. since she was trapped in a lift for about two hours a year ago she ______ to get back into one.
a. doesn’t dare b. didn’t dare
c. hasn’t dared d. hadn’t dared
5. he has been sitting at the table for several hours, _______ considerably more wine than is good for his health.
a. drinks b. drank
c. drinking d. to drink
6. "shall i turn on the television for you?"
"no, thanks. i’d rather not ______ television tonight."
a. watch b. to watch
c. watching d. for watching
7. the eldest son ______ an outsider when he talks about providing for his old and sick parents.
a. seems b. looks like
c. sounds like d. appears
8. it is estimated that the price of a personal computer ______ by an average of 25% a year since 1990.
a. fell b. had fallen
c. is falling d. has fallen
9. on a quiet weekend one ______ by the noise of the home interior decoration of one’s neighbours.
a. annoys b. is annoyed
c. annoyed d. annoying
10. if you had listened to me, you ______ in such great trouble now.
a. wouldn’t be b. would not have been
c. won’t be d. won’t have been

11. peter planned to convert his house into three flats, ______ two bedrooms, a
living-room, a kitchen and a bathroom.
a. every one consisted of b. all consisting in
c. each consisting of d. one consisted in
12. ______ been so many people on a diet as today.
a. more than ever before have there b. in the past there have never
c. never before there have d. formerly there had never
13. in the operation two armed robbers were killed and ______ were captured.
a. rest b. others
c. the rest d. the other
14. the director was told that he had finally got the ______ to film moment in peking.
a. promise b. offer
c. agreement d. permission
15. we had a marvelous holiday; only the last two days were slightly ______ by the bad weather.
a. damaged b. spoiled
c. ruined d. wasted
16. i kept the little girl ______ till her parents returned home.
a. the company b. the companion
c. company d. companion
17. typing all in capital letters is generally considered as impolite, because it ______ shouting.
a. equals to b. equates
c. is equal d. is equivalent to
18. cathy doesn’t care about what she eats, but she is very ______ about what she wears.
a. particular b. caring
c. careless d. demanding
19. his offer took me completely ______.
a. with surprise b. of surprise
c. by surprise d. to surprise
20. students of the foreign languages department should ______ themselves with international affairs.
a. be concerned b. concern
c. get involved d. involve

21. we are going to the pier to see a friend ______. he is sailing for europe.
a. of b. off
c. away d. out
22. shoppers have a great _______ toward impulsive buying.
a. temptation b. attraction
c. desire d. tendency
23. in many ______, parents might unintentionally wrong their children.
a. examples b. occasions
c. cases d. ways
24. the art exhibition was well designed ______ the disarrangement of a few pieces of photos.
a. except b. besides
c. in addition to d. except for
25. i am afraid your paper is not closely related ______ the topic given.
a. to b. of
c. with d. about

fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer. (15 points)
the norwegian government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control.a new law limits exploration to an area 26 its long coastline. oil companies are not allowed to employ more than a certain 27 of foreign workers. but the oil industry has a way of getting 28
such problems, and few people believe that the government will be able to hold things back 29 .
since world war ⅱ, the 30 has been carrying out a programme of development in the area north of the arctic circle, 31 has had a great deal of success: tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry. but the oil industry has already started to 32 people south, and within a few years the whole northern policy could be 33 .
the 34 of the oil industry would not be limited to the north, however. as a result of nearly 100 per cent employment, tourism and service industries will lose most of their workers 35 the oil industry. some smaller industries might even 36 altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.
the real argument over oil is, as a mater of fact, its threat to the norwegian 37 of life. farmers and fishermen do not make up the majority of the population, but they are an important 38 of it. norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with 39 as essentially norwegian. and it is 40 who are most critical of the oil industry. they fear it might cause damage to the countryside and to the sea.
26. a. of b. off c. on d. about
27. a. figure b. quantity c. number d. amount
28. a. across b. up c. back d. over
29. a. for long b. for good c. permanently d. temporarily
30. a. industry b. workforce c. government d. trade union
31. a. is b. which c. that d. this
32. a. draw b. drive c. force d. allow
33. a. in ruins b. in damage c. in success d. under way
34. a. start b. development c. rise d. effects
35. a. within b. to c. from d. against
36. a. emerge b. boom c. disappear d. work out
37. a. standard b. days c. way d. spirit
38. a. part b. role c. figure d. proportion
39. a. arrogance b. pride c. regret d. pity
40. a. they b. them c. those d. these


1.教育统计学是社会科学中的一门( )
a.数理统计 b.应用统计
c.科学统计 d.社会统计

2.日常生活或生产中使用的温度计所测出的气温量值是( )
a.称名变量数据 b.顺序变量数据
c.等距变量数据 d.比率变量数据

( )

a.5 b.14
c.15 d.16

4.算术平均数的缺点是( )
a.反应不灵敏 b.不直观
c.不严密 d.易受极端值影响

5.平均差与标准差的明显不同之处在于( )
a.受极端值影响 b.不适合代数运算
c.反应灵敏 d.不是全体数据都参加运算

6.pr=80所表示的含义是( )
a.该生考试成绩为80分 b.该生考试成绩为20分
c.80%以上高于该生成绩 d.80%以下低于该生成绩

7.下列相关系数中,表示两列变量数量变化方向一致的是( )
a.-0.74 b.-0.45
c.0.0 d.0.38

8.当测验过难时,测验总分布一般呈( )
a.正偏态 b.负偏态
c.倒u型 d.j型

9.在心理与教育测量中,测验误差与信度的关系是( )

10.主要用于探测与确定学习困难和学习错误的测验是( )
a.终结性测验 b.诊断性测验
c.形成性测验 d.安置性测验

11.一般正态分布与标准正态分布存在以下关系( )

( )
a.整群抽样 b.分层抽样
c.分阶段抽样 d.等距抽样

13.统计假设检验中,如果提高显著性水平,则会( )
a.增加i型错误 b.增加ⅱ型错误
c.减少ⅱ型错误 d.同时减少两类错误

14.在利用 统计量检验某个分布是否服从正态分布的过程中,有时需对理论次数进行调整,其做法是将理论次数小于5的组( )
a.删掉 b.与相邻的组合并
c.都加上1 d.都加上

15.在r×k列联表检验中,两种特征或属性之间具有相互依存的连带关系,可用列联系数来表示这种相关程度。关于列联系数以下叙述正确的是( )




  1.20世纪90年代以来,我国电视事业呈现全面繁荣的景象,其表现是( )





  2.相对于其他传播媒介,电视的突出优势在于( )

  a.传播范围广 b.声画合一

  c.图像清晰 d.声音逼真

  3.在新闻报道中,新闻音响可以分为三类,即主体音响、背景音响和( )

  a.人工摹拟音响 b.配乐音响

  c.环境音响 d.噪音音响

  4.非现场录音采访能否成功,从根本上说,取决于( )

  a.记者和采访对象的关系 b.采访对象的配合程度

  c.提问的方式 d.以上全部

  5.电视摄像采访中,处于主导地位的是( )

  a.记者 b.摄像师

  c.录音师 d.照明师

  6.将新闻时效发挥到极致的摄像采访方式是( )

  a.无剪辑采访 b.访问摄像采访

  c.新闻现场摄像采访 d.现场直播摄像采访

  7.现场消息区别于其他录音消息的重要标志是( )

  a.多样化 b.具体化

  c.现场感 d.亲切感

  8.有的学者把1958-1979年称为电视新闻的( )

  a.成熟期 b.筹备阶段

  c.初创阶段 d.发展阶段

  9.北京电视台改为中央电视台是在( )

  a.1975年 b.1978年

  c.1985年 d.1988年

  10.图像新闻最擅长的题材是动态性新闻或( )

  a.综合新闻 b.非事件性新闻

  c.简讯 d.事件性新闻

  11.电视新闻也属于线性传播,有的著作则称之为( )

  a.历史性传播 b.即时性传播

  c.历时性传播 d.延时性传播

  12.广播特写和广播速写是两种富于吸引力的( )

  a.纪录形式 b.专稿形式

  c.消息形式 d.专题形式

  13.口播通讯是录音通讯的( )

  a.表现形式 b.对立形式

  c.物化形式 d.对应形式

  14.1945年,向国民党统治区的听众,系统地讲解和分析解放区形势的电台是( )

  a.延安新华广播电台 b.光华广播电台

  c.中央广播电台 d.益友广播电台

  15.如果说主题是通讯的灵魂,材料是通讯的血肉,那么结构就是通讯的( )

  a.骨架 b.物化

  c.支点 d.概括

  16.对广播通讯有着特殊价值的是( )

  a.结局 b.结构

  c.开头 d.情节

  17.电视新闻专题注重报道的( )

  a.深度 b.策略

  c.角度 d.时机

  18.广播中最高规格的评论形式为( )

  a.本台评论员文章 b.本台评论

  c.本台短评 d.编者按语

  19.电视节目中的同期声,除了伴随事物发生的同期声外还有一种是( )

  a.自然环境的同期声 b.访谈的同期声

  c.动物世界的同期声 d.社会背景的同期声

  20.各类广播电视新闻节目的共同点是( )

  a.具有娱乐价值 b.具有审美价值

  c.具有最新信息 d.具有教育意义
