The Heath Anthology Of American Literature: Colonial Period To 1800, Volume A
基本信息·出版社:Wadsworth Publishing ·页码:1440 页 ·出版日期:2004年12月 ·ISBN:0618532978 ·International Standard Book Number:06185329 ...
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The Heath Anthology Of American Literature: Colonial Period To 1800, Volume A |
The Heath Anthology Of American Literature: Colonial Period To 1800, Volume A |
基本信息·出版社:Wadsworth Publishing
·页码:1440 页
·International Standard Book Number:0618532978
内容简介 Unrivaled diversity and teachability have made The Heath Anthology a best-selling text since the publication of its first edition in 1989. In presenting a more inclusive canon of American literature, The Heath Anthology continues to balance the traditional, leading names in American literature with lesser-known writers and to build upon the anthology's other strengths: its apparatus and its ancillaries. Available in five volumes for greater flexibility, the Fifth Edition offers thematic clusters to stimulate classroom discussions and to show the treatment of important topics across the genres. The indispensable web site includes revised timelines, a multimedia gallery to support thematic clusters, and a searchable Instructor's Guide.
作者简介 Paul Lauter is the Smith Professor of Literature at Trinity College. He has served as president of the American Studies Association and is a major figure in the revision of the American literary canon.^Dr. Bryer is an expert on F. Scott Fitzgerald and is president of the International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society. He was an editor of DEAR SCOTT, DEAREST ZELDA: THE LOVE LETTERS OF F. SCOTT AND ZELDA FITZGERALD (Macmillan).^Dr. Bryer is an expert on F. Scott Fitzgerald and is president of the International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society. He was an editor of DEAR SCOTT, DEAREST ZELDA: THE LOVE LETTERS OF F. SCOTT AND ZELDA FITZGERALD (Macmillan).^Dr. Cheung received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, and has specialized in Asian-American literature.
目录 Colonial Period to 1700 Native American Oral Literatures Native American Oral Narrative Talk Concerning the First Beginning (Zuni) Changing Woman and the Hero Twins after the Emergence of the People (Navajo) Wohpe and the Gift of the Pipe (Lakota) The Origin of Stories (Seneca) Iroquois or Confederacy of the Five Nations (Iroquois) Iktomi and the Dancing Ducks (Christine Dunham, Oglala Sioux) Raven and Marriage (Tlingit) The Bungling Host (Hitchiti) Creation of the Whites (Yuchi) Native American Oral Poetry Zuni Poetry: Sayatasha's Night Chant Aztec Poetry: The Singer's Art; Two Songs; Like Flowers Continually Perishing (Ayocuan). Inuit Poetry: Song (Copper Eskimo); Moved (Uvavnuk, Iglulik Eskimo); Improvised Greeting (Takomaq, Iglulik Eskimo); Widow's Song (Quernertoq, Copper Eskimo); My Breath (Orpingalik, Netsilik Eskimo). A Selection of Poems: Deer Hunting Song (Virsak Vai-i, O'odham); Love Song (Aleut); Song of Repulse to a Vain Lover (To'ak, Makah); A Dream Song (Annie Long Tom, Clayoquot); Woman's Divorce Dance Song (Jane Green); Formula to Secure Love (Cherokee); Formula to Cause Death (A'yunini the Swimmer, Cherokee); Song of War (Blackfeet); War Song (Crow); Song of War (Odjib'we, Anishinabe); War Song (Young Doctor, Makah); Song of Famine (Holy-Face Bear, Dakota); Song of War (Two Shields, Lakota); Song of War (Victoria, Tohona O'odham). Cluster: America in the European Imagination Thomas More: from Utopia Michel de Montaigne: from Of Cannibals Theodor Galle, after a drawing by Jan van der Straet [Stradanus]: America, c. 1575 John Donne: Elegie XIX: To his Mistris Going to Bed Francis Bacon: from New Atlantis New Spain Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) from Journal of the First Voyage to America, 1492-1493 from Narrative of the Third Voyage, 1498-1500 Cluster: Cultural Encounters--A Critical Survey Frederick Jackson Turner (1861-1932): from The Significance of the Frontier in American History Andrew Wiget: from Reading Against the Grain: Origin Stories and American Literary History (1991) Annette Kolodny: from Letting Go Our Grand Obsessions: Notes Toward a New Literary History of the American Frontiers Mary Louise Pratt: from Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation Paul Gilroy: from The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness Paula M. L. Moya and Ramon Saldivar: from Fictions of the Trans-American Imaginary Alvar Nú?ez Cabeza de Vaca (1490?-1556?) from Relation of Alvar Nú?ez Cabeza de Vaca: Prologue; from Chapter VII, The Character of the Country; from Chapter VIII, We Go from Aute; from Chapter X, The Assault from the Indians; from Chapter XI, Of What Befel Lope de Oviedo with the Indians; from Chapter XXI, Our Cure of Some of the Afflicted; from Chapter XXIV, Customs of the Indians of That Country; from Chapter XXVII, We Moved Away and Were Well Received; from Chapter XXXII, The Indians Give Us the Hearts of Deer; from Chapter XXXIII, We See Traces of Christians; from Chapter XXXIV, Of Sending for the Christians. Fray Marcos de Niza (1495?-1542): from A Relation of the Reverend Father Fray Marcos de Niza, Touching His Discovery of the Kingdom of Ceuola or Cibola. . . Pedro de Caste?eda (1510?-1570?): from The Narrative of the Expedition of Coronado Chapter XXI: Of how the army returned to Tiguex and the general reached Quivira Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá (1555-1620): from The History of New Mexico from Canto I: Which sets forth the outline of the history Canto XIV: How the River of the North was discovered and the trials that were borne in discovering it. . . Canto XXX: How the new General. . .went to take leave of Luzcoija, and the battle he had with the Spaniards The Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1531 from The History of the Miraculous Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1531, 1649 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695) 48: In Reply to a Gentleman from Peru, Who Sent Her Clay Vessels While Suggesting She Would Better Be a Man 94: Which Reveals the Honorable Ancestry of a High-Born Drunkard 317: Villancico VI, from "Santa Catarina," 1691 Don Antonio de Otermín (fl. 1680) Letter on the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 The Coming of the Spanish and the Pueblo Revolt (Hopi) The Coming of the Spanish and the Publo Revolt (Hopi) Don Diego de Vargas (?-1704) from Letter on The Reconquest of New Mexico, 1692 New France René Goulaine de Laudonnière (fl. 1562-1582) from A Notable Historie Containing Foure Voyages Made by Certaine French Captaines unto Florida Samuel de Champlain (1570?-1635) from The Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, 1604-1618: from The Voyages to the Great River St. Lawrence, 1608-1612; from The Voyages of 1615. The Jesuit Relations from The Relation of 1647, by Father Jerome Lalemant Chesapeake Thomas Harriot (1560-1621) from A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia Edward Maria Wingfield (1560?-1613?) from A Discourse of Virginia John Smith (1580-1631) from The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles, from Book III, Chapter 2: [Smith as captive at the court of Powhatan in 1608]; Chapter 8: [Smith's journey to Pamaunkee]. from A Description of New England from Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New-England, or Anywhere, or the Path-way to Experience to Erect a Plantation [Review of the colonies planted in New England and Virginia]. Richard Frethorne (fl. 1623) from Richard Frethorne, to His Parents (Virginia, 1623) Nathaniel Bacon (1647-1676) Nathaniel Bacon Esq'r his Manifesto concerning the Present Troubles in Virginia James Revel (1640s?-?) The Poor, Unhappy Transported Felon New England Thomas Morton (1579?-1647?) from New English Canaan: from Book I: Containing the originall of the Natives, their manners & Customes, with their tractable nature and love towards the English; from Chapter IV: Of their Houses and Habitations; from Chapter VI: Of the Indians apparrell; Chapter VIII: Of their Reverence, and respect to age; Chapter XVI: Of their acknowledgment of the Creation, and immortality of the Soule; from Chapter XX: That the Salvages live a contended life. from Book III: Containing a description of the People that are planted there, what remarkable Accidents have happened there. . ., what Tenents they hould, together with the practise of their Church; from Chapter I: Of a great League made with the Plimmouth Planters after their arrivall, by the Sachem of those Territories; from Chapter V: Of a Massacre made upon the Salvages at Wessaguscus; from Chapter VII: Of Thomas Mortons entertainement at Plimmouth, and castinge away upon an Island; from Chapter XIV: Of the Revells of New Canaan; Chapter XV: Of a great Monster supposed to be at Ma-re-Mount; and the preparation made to destroy it; Chapter XVI: How the 9. worthies put mine Host of Ma-re-Mount into the inchaunted Castle at Plimmouth, and terrified him with the Monster Briareus. John Winthrop (1588-1649) from A Modell of Christian Charity from The Journal of John Winthrop William Bradford (1590-1657) from Of Plymouth Plantation: Book I: from Chapter I: The Separatist Interpretation of the Reformation in England 1550-1607; from Chapter IX: Of their Voyage, and how they Passed the Sea; and of their Safe Arrival at Cape Cod; Book II: Chapter XI: The Remainder of Anno 1620; from Chapter XIV: Anno Domini 1623; from Chapter XIX: Anno Domini 1628; from Chapter XXIII: Anno Domini 1632; from Chapter XXVIII: Anno Domini 1637; from Chapter XXIX: Anno Domini 1638; from Chapter XXXII: Anno Domini 1642; from Chapter XXXIII: Anno Domini 1643; from Chapter XXXIV: Anno Domini 1644. Roger Williams (1603?-1683) from A Key into the Language of America: [Preface]: To my Deare and Welbeloved Friends and Countreymen, in old and new England; Chapter XI: Of Travell; from Chapter XXI: Of Religion, the soule, &c.; Chapter XXII: Of their Government and Justice; To the Town of Providence; Testimony of Roger Williams relative to his first coming into the Narragansett country. Thomas Shepard (1605-1649) Autobiography Anne Bradstreet (1612?-1672) The Prologue [To Her Book] In Honour of. . .Queen Elizabeth The Author to Her Book To Her Father With Some Verses The Flesh and the Spirit Before the Birth of One of Her Children To My Dear and Loving Husband A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Employment In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being a Year and Half Old On My Dear Grandchild Simon Bradstreet, Who Died on 16 November, 1669, being but a Month, and One Day Old Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666 To My Dear ChildrenMichael Wigglesworth (1631-1705) from The Diary of Michel Wigglesworth A Song of Emptiness The Bay Psalm Book (1640) from "The Preface" by John Cotton Psalm 1 Psalm 6 Psalm 8 Pslam 19 Psalm 23 Psalm 137 The New England Primer (1683?) Alphabet The Dutiful Child's Promises Verses The Death of John Rogers Mary White Rowlandson [Talcott] (1637?-1711) from A Narrative of the Captivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson Edward Taylor (1642?-1729) God's Determinations: The Preface; The Souls Groan to Christ for Succour; Christs Reply; The Joy of Church Fellowship rightly attended. from Occasional Poems: 4. Huswifery; 6. Upon Wedlock, & Death of Children. from Preparatory Meditations, First Series: Prologue; 6. Another Meditation at the same time; 8. Meditation. Joh. 6.51. I am the Living Bread. from Preparatory Meditations, Second Series: 1. Meditation. Col. 2.17. Which are Shaddows of things to come and the body is Christ; 26. Meditation. Heb. 9.13.14. How much more shall the blood of Christ, etc.; 50. Meditation. Joh. 1.14 Full of Truth; 115. Meditation. Cant. 5:10. My Beloved. from A Valediction to all the World preparatory for Death 3d of the 11m 1720 Version 1; Cant. 3. Valediction, to the Terraqueous Globe; A Fig for thee Oh! Death Version 2. Samuel Sewall (1652-1730) from The Diary of Samuel Sewall The Selling of Joseph, A Memorial My Verses upon the New Century [Jan. 1, 1701] Cotton Mather (1663-1728) from The Wonders of the Invisible World: V. The Trial of Martha Carrier at The Court of Oyer and Terminer, Held by Adjournment at Salem, August 2, 1692. from Magnalia Christi Americana; or, The Ecclesiastical History of New...