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用flexigrid实现分页展示 二

用flexigrid实现分页显示 二之前写过一篇用flexigrid实现分页显示 一,现在继续改进。由于分页是一个非常常

用flexigrid实现分页显示 二

之前写过一篇用flexigrid实现分页显示 一,现在继续改进。





2. 前台JavaScript控制代码

调用哪个REST API, 发送什么参数,解析REST API返回的结果并转换成flexigrid可以接受的数据格式

fexligrid UI 控制逻辑可以重用

可以重用的其实只有一个,就是如何控制flexigrid来帮助我们显示数据,包括中英文的控制,分页状态的显示,以及当用户切换分页的时候需要通过事件通知 step 2的JavaScript代码向step 1发出新的分页请求



// provides some common functions on top of flexigrid for simplifying web front-end development// If some web page use one same grid, add it here, they can resuse these codesdefine(["jquery", "flexigrid", "flexigrid.pack"], function ($) {    'use strict';    return {// config grid's basic structures, columnts and eventsconfig: function (    tableId, //table id    config, //the config object which defines the flexigrid    locale, //"en" or "cn"    onChangePage, //event handler when page is changed, the arg is one of these: "pageSize", "reload", "next", "prev", "last" and "first"    onCheck, //event handler when user checks/unchecks the checkbox of one row    onClick, //event handler when user clicks one row, two args, the row and cell objects    afterRenderPage, //event handler after the page is rendered    eventHolder //the holder object of onChangePage and onSelectDisplay methods) {    this.tableId = tableId;    this.config = config;    this.config.usepager = true;    this.locale = locale;    this.onChangePage = onChangePage;    this.onCheck = onCheck;    this.onClick = onClick;    this.eventHolder = eventHolder;    if (this.locale === "cn") {this.t1 = "显示 {0} 到 {1}, 总数: {2} 设备";this.t2 = "页面 <input id=\"pageIndexInput\" type=\"number\" min=\"1\" style=\"width:40px;\" value=\"{0}\"> 到 <span>{1}</span>";    } else {this.t1 = "from {0} to {1}, total: {2} signs";this.t2 = "Page <input id=\"pageIndexInput\" type=\"number\" min=\"1\" style=\"width:40px;\" value=\"{0}\"> to <span>{1}</span>";    }    $("#" + this.tableId).flexigrid(this.config);},onNext: function (event) {    var ob = event.data;    ob.onChangePage("next", ob.eventHolder);},onPrev: function (event) {    var ob = event.data;    ob.onChangePage("prev", ob.eventHolder);},onLast: function (event) {    var ob = event.data;    ob.onChangePage("last", ob.eventHolder);},onFirst: function (event) {    var ob = event.data;    ob.onChangePage("first", ob.eventHolder);},onReload: function (event) {    var ob = event.data;    var pageIndex = $("#pageIndexInput").val();    if (pageIndex !== "") {ob.pageIndex = pageIndex;    }    ob.onChangePage("reload", ob.eventHolder);},onChangePageSize: function (event) {    var ob = event.data;    ob.pageSize = parseInt($(this).val());    ob.onChangePage("pageSize", ob.eventHolder);},// fill in Chinese or English words according to this.locale// fill in page number according to the total pages and current page index// enable/disable buttons in page barupdatePagebar: function() {    var innerHtml, i, j, pageSize = parseInt($("select[name=rp]").val());    i = this.pageSize * (this.pageIndex - 1) + 1;    j = i + this.pageSize - 1;    if (j > this.maxCount) {j = this.maxCount;    }    if (j === 0) {i = 0;    }    innerHtml = jQuery.validator.format(this.t1, i, j, this.maxCount);    $($(".pDiv2").children()[10]).children(0).html(innerHtml);    innerHtml = jQuery.validator.format(this.t2, this.pageIndex, this.maxPageCount);    $(".pcontrol").html(innerHtml);    if (this.pageIndex === 1) {if (this.maxPageCount === 1) {    $(".pPrev").removeClass("pButton");    $(".pFirst").removeClass("pButton");    $(".pNext").removeClass("pButton");    $(".pLast").removeClass("pButton");} else {    $(".pPrev").removeClass("pButton");    $(".pFirst").removeClass("pButton");    $(".pNext").addClass("pButton");    $(".pLast").addClass("pButton");}    } else {if (this.pageIndex === this.maxPageCount) {    $(".pNext").removeClass("pButton");    $(".pLast").removeClass("pButton");    $(".pPrev").addClass("pButton");    $(".pFirst").addClass("pButton");} else {    $(".pNext").addClass("pButton");    $(".pLast").addClass("pButton");    $(".pPrev").addClass("pButton");    $(".pFirst").addClass("pButton");    }    }    // just register them at the first time    if (!this.hasPageBarEvents) {$(".pNext").on("click", this, this.onNext);$(".pFirst").on("click", this, this.onFirst);$(".pPrev").on("click", this, this.onPrev);$(".pLast").on("click", this, this.onLast);$(".pReload").on("click", this, this.onReload);$("select[name=rp]").on("change", this, this.onChangePageSize);this.hasPageBarEvents = true;    }    $(".pDiv2 .pGroup select").width(60);},// return row array that contains all checked rows(JQuery object)getCheckedRows: function() {    var rows = [];    $('.row_class').each(function () {    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {rows.push($(this));    }}    );        return rows;},setData: function(pageSize, pageIndex, maxPageCount, maxCount, pageData) {    this.pageSize = pageSize;    this.pageIndex = pageIndex;    this.pageData = pageData;    this.maxPageCount = maxPageCount;    this.maxCount = maxCount;    $("#" + this.tableId).flexAddData(this.pageData);    $("#" + this.tableId + " tbody tr td div input").on("click", this.eventHandler, this.onSelect);    this.updatePagebar();}    };});

如果你用ligerUI, 你只要1%的时间. 我就是从flexigrid转到ligerUI上的. 我几乎不用花时间在处理表格, 分页上. 只要按ligerUI的要求返回它要的json即可.
