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flex游戏引擎(PushButton)-使用XML层格式存储游戏对象-1!-- Root tag - indicates version in case there


<!-- Root tag - indicates version in case there are breaking changes? in the format. The root tag contains one or more entities, templates or groups.-->
<things version="1">

?? <!-- Only one entity of a given name can exist in the world at a time. The TemplateManager will generate warnings if you instantiate them more than once. -->
?? <entity name="PlatformSpriteSheet">
????? <!-- Entities and templates contain components, which are named and have a specified type. -->
????? <component type="com.pblabs.rendering2DSpriteSheetComponent" name="SpriteSheet">
???????? <!-- Fields on the component are dealt with using our normal? serializer. In this case we are assigning a string to? ImageFilename on the SpriteSheetComponent. -->
???????? <ImageFilename>../Assets/Images/platform.png</ImageFilename>
????? </component>
?? </entity>
?? <!-- Another sprite sheet - just the same as the above one, but with a? different entity name and file. -->
?? <entity name="DudeSpriteSheet">
????? <component type="com.pblabs.rendering2DSpriteSheetComponent" name="SpriteSheet">
???????? <ImageFilename>../Assets/Images/guy.png</ImageFilename>
????? </component>
?? </entity>
?? <!-- Templates are like entities in every respect except two. First, they can be instantiated more than once w/o warnings. Second, they can be referenced via the template attribute on an entity, which is explained later. -->
?? <template name="Platform">
????? <component type="com.pblabs.rendering2DSpriteRenderComponent" name="Render">
???????? <!-- Parent and SpriteSheet are typed fields. You can assign a direct reference to another component either on this entity or another using the componentReference attribute. -->
???????? <!-- Look up a named entity called Scene, find the first component that matches the type of Parent, and assign it. -->
???????? <Parent componentReference="Scene"/>
???????? <!-- Same for the SpriteSheet field, which happens to want a SpriteSheetComponent. -->
???????? <SpriteSheet componentReference="PlatformSpriteSheet"/>

???????? <!-- Although PositionReference, RotationReference, and SizeReference are all of type PropertyReference, PropertyReference implements ISerializable and does its own custom serialization - in this case so that you can specify a string property reference. -->
???????? <PositionReference>@Spatial.position</PositionReference>
???????? <RotationReference>@Spatial.rotation</RotationReference>
???????? <SizeReference>@Spatial.size</SizeReference>
????? </component>
????? <component type="com.pblabs.box2D.Box2DSpatialComponent" name="Spatial">
???????? <Manager componentReference="Box2D"/>
???????? <!-- CollisionType is of type ObjectType, and also implements ISerializable, in this case to allow you to provide a list of object types. -->
???????? <CollisionType>
??????????? <Type>Platform</Type>
???????? </CollisionType>
???????? <CollidesWithTypes>
??????????? <Type>Dude</Type>
???????? </CollidesWithTypes>
???????? <!-- Size is of type Point. The serializer lets you set fields by nesting tags. In this case <Size><x>1</x></Size is equivalent to saying Size.x = 1; in ActionScript. -->
???????? <Size>
??????????? <x>256</x>
??????????? <y>64</y>
???????? </Size>
???????? <!-- Booleans support named values (true/false). -->
???????? <CanMove>false</CanMove>
???????? <CanRotate>false</CanRotate>
???????? <CanSleep>true</CanSleep>
???????? <!--CollisionShapes is an array... -->
???????? <CollisionShapes>
??????????? <!-- But you can specify the type of each item in the array. Here
???????????????? we use the feature in order to distinguish between different
???????????????? collision shapes. -->
??????????? <_ type="com.pblabs.box2D.PolygonCollisionShape">
?????????????? <!-- Vertices is also an array. In this case we can specify? the type of the items to put into it. In addition, we are using <_>. The underscore alone tells the serializer to put the value contained in it at the end of the array. -->
?????????????? <!-- Underscore can also escape numerical values, which are not valid XML tag names. You can'd to <3>, you have to do <_3>. If you want to do an underscore, do <__>. -->
?????????????? <Vertices childType="flash.geom.Point">
????????????????? <_><x>-1</x><y>-1</y></_>
????????????????? <_><x>1</x><y>-1</y></_>
????????????????? <_><x>1</x><y>1</y></_>
????????????????? <_><x>-1</x><y>1</y></_>
?????????????? </Vertices>
??????????? </_>
???????? </CollisionShapes>
????? </component>
?? </template>
?? <entity name="Scene">
????? <component type="com.pblabs.rendering2DScene2DComponent" name="Scene">
???????? <Position>
??????????? <x>400</x>
??????????? <y>300</y>
???????? </Position>
????? </component>
?? </entity>
?? <entity name="Box2D">
????? <component type="com.pblabs.box2D.Box2DManagerComponent" name="Manager">
????? </component>
????? <component type="com.pblabs.box2D.Box2DDebugComponent" name="Debug">
???????? <Scene componentReference="Scene"/>
????? </component>
?? </entity>
?? <entity name="Dude">
????? <component type="com.pblabs.rendering2DSpriteRenderComponent" name="Render">
???????? <!-- In addition to componentReference, you can specify componentName, which indicates a specific component to reference. -->
???????? <!-- If you use componentName alone, it will reference that component on the owning entity. -->
???????? <Parent componentReference="Scene" componentName="Scene"/>
???????? <SpriteSheet componentReference="DudeSpriteSheet"/>
???????? <PositionReference>@Spatial.position</PositionReference>
???????? <RotationReference>@Spatial.rotation</RotationReference>
???????? <SizeReference>@Spatial.size</SizeReference>
???????? <TrackWithCamera>true</TrackWithCamera>
????? </component>
????? <component type="com.pblabs.box2D.Box2DSpatialComponent" name="Spatial">
???????? <Manager componentReference="Box2D"/>
???????? <CollisionType>
??????????? <Type>Dude</Type>
???????? </CollisionType>
???????? <CollidesWithTypes>
??????????? <Type>Platform</Type>
???????? </CollidesWithTypes>
???????? <Position>
??????????? <x>400</x>
??????????? <y>100</y>
???????? </Position>
???????? <Size>
??????????? <x>64</x>
??????????? <y>74</y>
???????? </Size>
???????? <CanRotate>false</CanRotate>
???????? <CanSleep>false</CanSleep>
???????? <CollisionShapes>
??????????? <_ type="com.pblabs.box2D.CircleCollisionShape">
?????????????? <Friction>0</Friction>
?????????????? <Radius>0.5</Radius>
?????????????? <Offset><x>0</x><y>0.5</y></Offset>
??????????? </_>
???????? </CollisionShapes>
????? </component>
????? <component type="com.com.pblabs.stupidSampleGame.DudeController" name="Controller">
???????? <VelocityReference>@Spatial.LinearVelocity</VelocityReference>
???????? <!-- Input Map Example -->
???????? <Input>
??????????? <GoLeft>LEFT</GoLeft>
??????????? <GoRight>RIGHT</GoRight>
??????????? <Jump>UP</Jump>
???????? </Input>
????? </component>
?? </entity>
?? <!-- Often you want one entity to be a clone of another with minor? modifications. You can do this via the template attribute. Everything on Platform is loaded into the entity, then the information in the Platform1 entity is applied on top of it. -->
?? <entity name="Platform1" template="Platform">
????? <!-- Notice that when we reference fields for an existing component
?????????? (from the template) we omit the type attribute. -->
????? <component name="Spatial">
???????? <Position>
??????????? <x>94</x>
??????????? <y>450</y>
???????? </Position>
????? </component>
?? </entity>
?? <entity name="Platform2" template="Platform">
????? <component name="Spatial">
???????? <Position>
??????????? <x>400</x>
??????????? <y>500</y>
???????? </Position>
????? </component>
?? </entity>
?? <entity name="Platform3" template="Platform">
????? <component name="Spatial">
???????? <Position>
??????????? <x>706</x>
??????????? <y>450</y>
???????? </Position>
????? </component>
?? </entity>
?? <!-- Groups are lists of templates/entities, so that you can instantiate them all as a single group. TemplateManager.InstantiateGroup returns an array of all the objects that were created. -->
?? <group name="Managers">
????? <!-- Group tags contain one or more objectReference or groupReference tags. These reference groups or entities/templates by name, indicating what is part of the group. Things can be part of any number of groups. -->
????? <objectReference name="Scene"/>
????? <objectReference name="Box2D"/>
?? </group>
?? <group name="SpriteSheets">
????? <objectReference name="DudeSpriteSheet"/>
????? <objectReference name="PlatformSpriteSheet"/>
?? </group>
?? <group name="Objects">
????? <objectReference name="Dude"/>
????? <objectReference name="Platform1"/>
????? <objectReference name="Platform2"/>
????? <objectReference name="Platform3"/>
?? </group>
?? <group name="Everything">
????? <!-- This is how you reference a group from inside another group. -->
????? <groupReference name="Managers"/>
????? <groupReference name="SpriteSheets"/>
????? <groupReference name="Objects"/>
?? </group>


Basic Structure

有3种类型的对象在xml使用TemplateManager 类进行实例化,分别是实体、模板、组。


There are three types of objects that can be instantiated from XML using the engine's TemplateManager class. These are entity, template, and group. Each of these can appear any number of times in a single XML file, in any order. They are all contained in the same parent tag that is the root of the XML document.

When an XML file is loaded, everything inside the root tag is added to the TemplateManager for later instantiation. Keep in mind, merely loading a description of an object does not actually create that object. It must be instantiated manually with the TemplateManager.

