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[通译Joel On Software]回归基础/Back to Basics

[翻译Joel On Software]回归基础/Back to BasicsJoel on SoftwareBack to Basics回归基础by Joel SpolskyT

[翻译Joel On Software]回归基础/Back to Basics

Joel on Software

Back to Basics回归基础

by Joel Spolsky

Tuesday,December 11, 2001

Wespend a lot of time on this site talking about exciting Big Picture Stuff like.NET versus Java, XML strategy, Lock-In, competitive strategy, software design,architecture, and so forth. All this stuff is a layer cake, in a way. At thetop layer, you've got software strategy. Below that, we think about architectureslike .NET, and below that, individual products: software development productslike Java or platforms like Windows.


Golower on the cake, please. DLLs? Objects? Functions? No! Lower! At some pointyou're thinking about lines of code written in programming languages.

请往这个蛋糕的再底层走一点。动态链接库?对象?函数? 我!再低一点!在某一点上,你总会开始考虑编程语言写的一行行代码。

Stillnot low enough. Today I want to think about CPUs. A little bit of siliconmoving bytes around. Pretend you are a beginning programmer. Tear away all thatknowledge you've built up about programming, software, management, and get backto the lowest level Von Neumann fundamental stuff. Wipe J2EE out of your mindfor a moment. Think Bytes.


Whyare we doing this? I think that some of the biggest mistakes people make evenat the highest architectural levels come from having a weak or brokenunderstanding of a few simple things at the very lowest levels. You've built amarvelous palace but the foundation is a mess. Instead of a nicecement slab, you've got rubble down there. So the palace looks nice butoccasionally the bathtub slides across the bathroom floor and you have no ideawhat's going on.


Sotoday, take a deep breath. Walk with me, please, through a little exercisewhich will be conducted using the C programming language.


Rememberthe way strings work in C:they consist of a bunch of bytes followed by a null character, which has thevalue 0. This has two obvious implications:


1.       There is no way to know where the string ends(that is, the string length) without moving through it, looking for thenull character at the end.

2.       如果不遍历这个字符串去寻找null字符,就无法获知它的结尾(也就是获得字符串长度)

3.       Your string can't have any zeros in it. Soyou can't store an arbitrary binary blob like a JPEG picture in a C string.

4.       你的字符串里面不能有0值,所以你不能把任意的块数据(如JPEG图像)存储在C字符串里。

Whydo C strings work this way? It's because the PDP-7 microprocessor, on whichUNIX and the C programming language were invented, had an ASCIZ string type.ASCIZ meant "ASCII with a Z (zero) at the end."


Isthis the only way to store strings? No, in fact, it's one of the worst ways tostore strings. For non-trivial programs, APIs, operating systems, classlibraries, you should avoid ASCIZ strings like the plague. Why?

这是存储字符串的唯一方法么?不,实际上,这是最糟糕的存储字符串的方法之一。 对于重要的程序,接口,操作系统,类库,你应该像避免瘟疫一样避免使用ASCIZ字符串。为什么?

Let'sstart by writing a version of the code for strcat, the functionwhich appends one string to another.


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