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环境工具:python2.6? ElasticSearch0.90.2? pyes


解决过程:1. 使用pip install pyes 或者 easy_install pyes安装pye?????????????????? 2. 测试使用pyes官方文档或者其他pyes文档的API的增删改
import pyes
conn = pyes.ES('')
conn.create_index("human") #human 是一个新的索引库,相当于create database操作
mapping = {u'firstname': {'index': 'analyzed', #使用分词器
?? ?????????????????? 'type': u'string',
?? ??? ?????????? 'analyzer':'ik'}, #分词器为ik
?????????? u'lastname': {'index': 'not_analyzed',
?? ????????????????? 'type': u'string'},
?? ??? u'age': {'index': 'not_analyzed', #不使用分词器
?? ??? ?????? 'type': u'long'}} #mapping 是字段,相当于数据库的表的列名
conn.put_mapping("man", {'properties':mapping}, ["human"]) #在human库中创建man,相当于create table操作
conn.put_mapping("woman", {'properties':mapping}, ["human"]) #woman同样相当于一张表
conn.index({'firstname':'David', 'lastname':'White', 'age':18}, 'human', 'man', 'David White', True) #向human的man中添加索引数据,相当于insert into操作
conn.index({'firstname':'Suzan', 'lastname':'Black', 'age':28}, 'human', 'woman', 'Suzan Black', True) #向human的woman中添加索引数据
conn.index({'firstname':'Uni', 'lastname':'Lavender', 'age':18}, 'human', 'man', 'Uni Lavender', True)
conn.index({'firstname':'Jann', 'lastname':'White', 'age':18}, 'human', 'woman', 'Jann White', True)
conn.index({'firstname':'Suzan', 'lastname':'White', 'age':18}, 'human', 'woman', 'Suzan White', True) #注意第四个参数是index的id,具有唯一性,因此更新数据,可以按照id使用index即可conn.index({'firstname':'Jann', 'lastname':'White', 'age':28}, 'human', 'woman', 'Jann White', True) #将年龄由18更新到28


?????????????????? 3. 测试使用pyes官方文档的API的查询

使用res = conn.search(pyes.BoolQuery(must=must), 'human', 'woman', start=0, size=10, sort='age')查询,支持分页

??????? a. 查找firstname为Suzan的女人的index数据

条件:must = pyes.StringQuery('Suzan', ['firstname',]) #must = pyes.StringQuery('Suzan', 'firstname')

相当于sql查询 select * from human.woman where firstname regexp '[^a-zA-Z]Suzan[^a-zA-Z]'

??????? b. 查找lastname为white的女人的index数据

条件:must = pyes.StringQuery('White', ['lastname',]) #must = pyes.StringQuery('White', ['lastname',])或者must = pyes.TermQuery('lastname', 'White')

相当于sql查询 select * from human.woman where lastname = 'White'

??????? c. 查找age为18,20,28的女人的index数据

条件:must = pyes.TermsQuery('age', [18,28])

相当于sql查询 select * from human.woman where age=18 or age = 28

??????? d. 查找age为18,28并且firstname为Suzan的女人的index数据

条件:must = [pyes.TermsQuery('age', [18,28]), pyes.StringQuery('Suzan', 'firstname')]

相当于sql查询 select * from human.woman where (age=18 or age = 28) and firstname = 'Suzan'

??????? e. 查找firstname或者lastname中出现Rich单词的女人的index数据

条件:must = pyes.StringQuery('Suzan', ['firstname',‘lastname’], default_operator='or')

相当于sql查询 select * from human.woman where firstname regexp '[^a-zA-Z]Suzan[^a-zA-Z]' or lastname regexp '[^a-zA-Z]Suzan[^a-zA-Z]'

??????? f. 查找firstname并且lastname中出现Rich单词的女人的index数据

条件:must = pyes.StringQuery('Suzan', ['firstname',‘lastname’], default_operator='and')

相当于sql查询 select * from human.woman where firstname regexp '[^a-zA-Z]Suzan[^a-zA-Z]' and lastname regexp '[^a-zA-Z]Suzan[^a-zA-Z]'

??????? g. 查找年龄在18到28之间的女人的index数据

条件:must = pyes.RangeQuery(pyes.ESRange('age', from_value=18, to_value=28))

相当于sql查询 select * from human.woman where age between 18 and 28]

??????? h. 查找以Whi开头的lastname的女人的index数据

条件:must = pyes.PrefixQuery('lastname', 'Whi')

相当于sql查询 select * from human.woman where lastname like 'Whi%'



