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flex ibatis java 透过sql语句进行多条件模糊查询

flex ibatis java 通过sql语句进行多条件模糊查询。!DOCTYPE mapperPUBLIC -//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3

flex ibatis java 通过sql语句进行多条件模糊查询。
<!DOCTYPE mapper    PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
    <mapper namespace="com.rainmon.pm.sqlmapper.SQLMoUserSetManager" >

    <insert id="insertInspectLog" parameterType="com.rainmon.pm.model.PojoMoUserSetAction">

  <select id="searchLog" parameterType="com.rainmon.pm.model.PojoMoUserSetAction" resultType="HashMap">   

    select * from inspectLog  
where userNum &gt; 1
      <if test="userCode != null and userCode != 0">
      and userNum like #{userCode}
      <if test="ip != null and ip!=''">
      and ip like #{ip}
       <if test="beforelogintime != null and beforelogintime != ''">
      and startTime &lt; = #{beforelogintime}
       <if test="laterlogintime != null and beforelogintime != ''">
      and startTime &gt; = #{laterlogintime}
       <if test="today != null and today != ''">
      and convert(varchar,starttime,23) like #{today}
      <if test="betweenSmallTime != null and betweenSmallTime != ''">
      and startTime &gt;= #{betweenSmallTime}
       <if test="betweenBigTime != null and betweenBigTime != ''">
      and startTime &lt;= #{betweenBigTime}
