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python 用功跳(UDP包)探测不活动主机

python 用心跳(UDP包)探测不活动主机计算机周期性的发送一个代表心跳的UDP包到服务器,服务器跟踪每台计算

python 用心跳(UDP包)探测不活动主机



import timefrom twisted.application import internet, servicefrom twisted.internet import protocolfrom twisted.python import logUDP_PORT = 43278; CHECK_PERIOD = 20; CHECK_TIMEOUT = 15class Receiver(protocol.DatagramProtocol):    """ Receive UDP packets and log them in the "client"s dictionary """    def datagramReceived(self, data, (ip, port)):        if data == 'PyHB':            self.callback(ip)class DetectorService(internet.TimerService):    """ Detect clients not sending heartbeats for too long """    def _ _init_ _(self):        internet.TimerService._ _init_ _(self, CHECK_PERIOD, self.detect)        self.beats = {  }    def update(self, ip):        self.beats[ip] = time.time( )    def detect(self):        """ Log a list of clients with heartbeat older than CHECK_TIMEOUT """        limit = time.time( ) - CHECK_TIMEOUT        silent = [ip for (ip, ipTime) in self.beats.items( ) if ipTime < limit]        log.msg('Silent clients: %s' % silent)application = service.Application('Heartbeat')# define and link the silent clients' detector servicedetectorSvc = DetectorService( )detectorSvc.setServiceParent(application)# create an instance of the Receiver protocol, and give it the callbackreceiver = Receiver( )receiver.callback = detectorSvc.update# define and link the UDP server service, passing the receiver inudpServer = internet.UDPServer(UDP_PORT, receiver)udpServer.setServiceParent(application)# each service is started automatically by Twisted at launch timelog.msg('Asynchronous heartbeat server listening on port %d\n'    'press Ctrl-C to stop\n' % UDP_PORT)
