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Python 读取日志文件在前端兑现分页查询

Python 读取日志文件在前端实现分页查询?# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import fileinputfilePath d:/test.tx

Python 读取日志文件在前端实现分页查询

?# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import fileinputfilePath = 'd:/test.txt'page_size = 5           #每页显示的行数page_num = 1            #前端的当前页数current_num = 0         #从当前行数开始读取record_count = 0               #文件总数据条数flag = False            #用来标记是否到了需读取的起始行号init_flag = True        #是否为初次加载res = []                                 #结果集result = {'count' : 0, 'res' : []}        #最终结果集if init_flag:    '''    如果前端是初次加载,init_flag = true, 计算文件总数,计算后将init_flag 置为false,下次翻页不再做总数统计    '''    temp_f = open(filePath, 'r')    for count, line in enumerate(open(filePath, 'r')):        record_count += 1    temp_f.close()    init_flag = Falsefor eachline in fileinput.input(filePath):    '''    此部分用来读取需要显示部分的数据    '''    line_no = fileinput.filelineno()        #当前读取的行号    if not flag:        if line_no == (page_num - 1)*page_size + 1:            flag = True    if flag:        if line_no > (page_num - 1)*page_size and line_no <= page_num*page_size:            res.append(eachline)        else:            current_num = line_no            fileinput.close();            break;result['count'] = record_countresult['res'] = resprint result
?# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import fileinputfilePath = 'd:/test.txt'pagesize = 5           #每页显示的行数pageindex = 1            #前端的当前页数current_num = 0         #从当前行数开始读取record_count = 0               #文件总数据条数flag = False            #用来标记是否到了需读取的起始行号init_flag = True        #是否为初次加载res = []                                 #结果集result = {'count' : 0, 'res' : []}        #最终结果集if init_flag:    '''    如果前端是初次加载,init_flag = true, 计算文件总数,计算后将init_flag 置为false,下次翻页不再做总数统计    '''    temp_f = open(filePath, 'r')    for count, line in enumerate(open(filePath, 'r')):        record_count += 1    temp_f.close()    init_flag = Falsefor eachline in fileinput.input(filePath):    '''    此部分用来读取需要显示部分的数据    '''    line_no = fileinput.filelineno()        #当前读取的行号    if not flag:        if line_no == record_count - pageindex*pagesize + 1:            flag = True    if flag:        if line_no >= record_count - pageindex*pagesize + 1 \            and line_no <  record_count - (pageindex - 1)*pagesize + 1:            res.append(eachline)        else:            fileinput.close();            break;result['count'] = record_countresult['res'] = resprint result
