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Python code
import retxt = '''Dementia is a loss of intellectual ability that affects memory, learning,attention, thinking and language skills. People with dementia may forgetfamily members or not know what day it is. Sometimes they become angry or sad,hear voices, or see things that are not there.The team found that dementia was the largest cause of disability in the elderlyin areas other than rural India and Venezuela. Other major causes were stroke,loss of use of arms or legs, arthritis, depression, eyesight problems andgastrointestinal problems.The study says the elderly are nine percent of the total population of low andmiddle income countries today. But their numbers are growing quickly. They areexpected to reach twenty percent of the total population by the middle of thecentury.It found that in almost half the countries, children who were not breastfeedwere much more likely to have a disability than those who were. The same wastrue of those who did not receive vitamin A supplements and those who wereunderweight.Children who did not take part in early learning activities or attend schoolwere also more likely to be disabled than those who did.'''regEndWith_ly = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+?ly', re.I | re.S)print regEndWith_ly.findall(txt)regNotEndWith_ly = re.compile(r'\b[a-zA-Z]+?(?<!ly)\b', re.I | re.S)print regNotEndWith_ly.findall(txt) 
