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例如目录   c:\123\456\   下有个文件是1.txt
我用   Process.Start(@ "C:\123\456 ");   可以打开这个文件夹,现在我想在打开文件夹的同时选中   1.txt,如果文件夹中的文件很多,还要确保这个文件可见(即让其显示在当前屏幕里,不需要再拖动滚动条),该如何实现?


protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e)
// If the handle is being destroyed and you are not
// recreating it, then abort the search.
if (!RecreatingHandle)

protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
if (deferSearch)
deferSearch = false;

/// <summary>
/// This method is called by the background thread when it has finished
/// the search.
/// </summary>
/// <param name= "sender "> </param>
/// <param name= "e "> </param>
private void OnSearchComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (SearchComplete != null)
SearchComplete(sender, e);

public void StopSearch()
if (!searching)

if (searchThread.IsAlive)

searchThread = null;
searching = false;

/// <summary>
/// Recurses the given path, adding all files on that path to
/// the list box. After it finishes with the files, it
/// calls itself once for each directory on the path.
/// </summary>
/// <param name= "searchPath "> </param>
private void RecurseDirectory(string searchPath)
// Split searchPath into a directory and a wildcard specification.
string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(searchPath);
string search = Path.GetFileName(searchPath);

// If a directory or search criteria are not specified, then return.
if (directory == null || search == null)

string[] files;

// File systems like NTFS that have
// access permissions might result in exceptions
// when looking into directories without permission.
// Catch those exceptions and return.
files = Directory.GetFiles(directory, search);

// Perform a BeginInvoke call to the list box
// in order to marshal to the correct thread. It is not
// very efficient to perform this marshal once for every
// file, so batch up multiple file calls into one
// marshal invocation.
int startingIndex = 0;

while(startingIndex < files.Length)
// Batch up 20 files at once, unless at the
// end.

int count = 20;
if (count + startingIndex > = files.Length)
count = files.Length - startingIndex;

// Begin the cross-thread call. Because you are passing
// immutable objects into this invoke method, you do not have to
// wait for it to finish. If these were complex objects, you would
// have to either create new instances of them or
// wait for the thread to process this invoke before modifying
// the objects.
IAsyncResult r = BeginInvoke(fileListDelegate, new object[] {files, startingIndex, count});
startingIndex += count;

// Now that you have finished the files in this directory, recurse for
// each subdirectory.
string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(directory);
foreach(string d in directories)
RecurseDirectory(Path.Combine(d, search));

/// <summary>
/// This is the actual thread procedure. This method runs in a background
/// thread to scan directories. When finished, it simply exits.
/// </summary>
private void ThreadProcedure()
// Get the search string. Individual
// field assigns are atomic in .NET, so you do not
// need to use any thread synchronization to grab
// the string value here.
string localSearch = SearchCriteria;

// Now, search the file system.
// You are done with the search, so update.
searching = false;

// Raise an event that notifies the user that
// the search has terminated.
// You do not have to do this through a marshaled call, but
// marshaling is recommended for the following reason:
// Users of this control do not know that it is
// multithreaded, so they expect its events to
// come back on the same thread as the control.
BeginInvoke(onSearchComplete, new object[] {this, EventArgs.Empty});

Explorer.exe /select,c:\boot.ini
