1. According to sociosemiotic theories, meaning consists of three aspects: _________, ___________ and ____________ .
2. As far as communicative function is concerned, English sentences can be classified into four types: ____________ , ___________ , _____________ and ___________ .
3. Professor Xu Yuanzhong ever proposed that literary translation should conform to the principle of “____________, __________ and ___________”.
4. The basic procedures of translation are made up of three steps: __________, ___________ and ___________ .
5. Peter Newmark divided the function of language into six kinds, among which the most important four functions are ____________, ___________ , __________ and ___________ .
1. designative meaning or referential meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning
2. declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and exclamatory sentences
3. beauty of meaning, beauty of sound and beauty of form
4. comprehension, expression and testing
5. informative function, expressive function, vocative function and aesthetic function