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读书人网精心为大家整理了2013年精选PETS阅读材料:28岁应用设计教父II  ,今后带来更多更全更新的教育考试类相关资料,希望对大家的考试能带来帮助!


  More than 2,500 miles from Silicon Valley, in a small home office with a dog bed under the desk, sits a man on the cutting edge of the apps boom.

  在距离硅谷(Silicon Valley)2,500多英里的费城,一名在蓬勃的应用程序大潮中引领潮头的男子坐在一间小小的家庭办公室里,办公桌下安放着一个狗窝。

  Loren Brichter isn't a household name. Nor are the mobile applications he has built, which include a Twitter client called Tweetie and a Boggle-like word game called Letterpress.

  洛伦•布里切特(Loren Brichter)并不是一个家喻户晓的名字,他开发的移动应用程序也同样并非人尽皆知。这些应用程序包括一个名为Tweetie的推特(Twitter)客户端和一款与Boggle游戏很像、名为Letterpress的拼字游戏。

  But to developers, the 28-year-old is a high priest of app design and an increasingly influential tastemaker.


  Mr. Brichter was the first developer to create or help popularize app features such as pulling on a touch screen to refresh a page, panels that slide out from the side of a screen and the 'cell swipe,' which is swiping to uncover a list of hidden buttons.

  布里切特首创了很多应用程序特色功能并让其流行起来,比如在触摸屏上下拉刷新页面、屏幕侧边滑出面板、通过滑动动作调出隐藏按钮列表的“cell swipe”手势。

  Those actions are now standard features in many popular apps, becoming part of the daily routines of millions of people. The 'pull-to-refresh' feature, which Mr. Brichter built in 2009, is woven in software such as an app made by content-sharing site Pinterest Inc. and the mail app from Apple Inc. (AAPL).

  这些动作现在在很多流行应用里都是标准特性,成了数以百万计的人每天都要做的常规动作。布里切特2009年创制的“下拉刷新”功能现在已经被运用到了一些软件之中,比如资源共享网站Pinterest Inc.制作的一个应用程序以及苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的邮件应用程序。

  Evernote Corp. and Facebook Inc. (FB) are also using a variant of Mr. Brichter's sliding-panel feature, which he built into in a Twitter Inc. iPad app he created during a stint at that company in 2010. The feature was also used by Research In Motion Ltd. (BBRY, BB.T) in its new BlackBerry operating system. And apps like Square Inc. have expanded on the swiping to reveal buttons with features like swiping to pay.

  Evernote公司和脸谱公司(Facebook Inc.)也使用了布里切特滑动面板功能的变化形式,他2010年在推特公司工作期间将该功能加入了他开发的用于iPad的推特应用程序。这项功能也被Research In Motion Ltd.应用到新的黑莓(BlackBerry)操作系统上。像Square Inc.开发的应用程序已经将滑动显示按钮的功能进行了扩展,增加了滑动支付等功能。

  'It's hard to understate the impact his ideas have had on the space,' says Phill Ryu, a developer who helped design the Clear task-management app, which uses variations on 'pull-to-refresh' and has been downloaded more than 800,000 times.

  参与设计了任务管理应用Clear的程序开发者Phill Ryu说:“三言两语很难说清他的创意对这个领域的影响。”Clear使用了“下拉刷新”功能的变化形式,下载量已经超过80万次。

  Part of Mr. Brichter's appeal to developers is his accessibility.


  When Dominique Leca wanted feedback on his Sparrow mail mobile app in 2010, he sought out Mr. Brichter. Mr. Brichter responded to Mr. Leca with copious notes about the Sparrow app, including suggesting an adjustment to Sparrow's text placement and advising Mr. Leca to 'delay the fade-out animation by a second or so.' Mr. Leca says he followed much of the advice and asked Mr. Brichter to be an adviser; Sparrow later received much acclaim and was acquired by Google Inc. (GOOG) last year.

  2010年,多米尼克•勒卡(Dominique Leca)想要征询别人对他的Sparrow邮件移动应用程序的反馈意见,他找到了布里切特。布里切特提出了很多的建议,包括调整Sparrow文本位置、“延长动画淡出时间一秒左右”。勒卡说他听从了大部分的建议并邀请布里切特当他的顾问;Sparrow后来广受好评,去年被谷歌公司(Google Inc.)收购。

  Mr. Brichter got his start in the mobile industry while at Apple from 2006 to 2007 as part of a five-person group working out early kinks in technology that made the iPhone's graphics hardware and software communicate. He left to work on his own projects and moved to Philadelphia to be close to his family. [He still doesn't release apps for Google's Android operating system because he thinks the hardware and software aren't as good as Apple's.]






