1. 因果关系配对题
1. The reduction in children’s freedom may also contribute to a weakening of the sense of local community. As fewer children and adults use the streets as pedestrians, these streets become less sociable places. There is less opportunity for children and adults to have the spontaneous exchanges that help to engender a feeling of community. This in itself may exacerbate fears associated with assault and molestation of children, because there are fewer adults available who know their neighbours’ children, and who can look out for their safety.
2. The extra traffic involved in transporting children results in increased traffic congestion, pollution and accident risk. As our roads become more dangerous, more parents drive their children to more places, thus contributing to increased levels of danger for the remaining pedestrians. Anyone who has experienced either the reduced volume of traffic in peak hour during school holidays, or the traffic jams near schools at the end of a school day, will not need convincing about these points. Thus, there are also important environmental implications of children’s loss of freedom.
In the paragraphs above, there are FIVE problems stated. These problems, numbered as questions 1-5, are listed below. Each of these problems has a cause, listed A-G. Find the correct cause for each of the problems and write the corresponding letter A-G, in the spaces numbered 1-5 on the answer sheet.
There are more causes than problems so you will not use all of them and you may use any cause more than once.
problems causes
1. low sense of community feeling A few adults know local children
2. streets become less sociable B fewer people use the streets
3. fewer chances for meeting friends C increased pollution
4. fears of danger for children D streets are less friendly
5. higher accident risk E less traffic in school holidays
F reduced freedom for children
G more children driven to school