……who was that girl.
……if was she free.
……whether could I help her.
关于间接疑问句,还有一点必须注意的是,直接疑问句里的疑问词要照用, 如例⑧的“who”。如果没有疑问词,就要借重连接词“ if”或“ whether”之助,如例⑨和⑩便是。
11. He said, "Alas! I am undone."
12. "Bravo! You have done a good job, Mary," said the teacher.
13. "Good Heaven!' Tom cried, "I'll never lie again."
把11-13,转变为14-16时, 可以用恰当的动词把深层的意思反映出来,甚至加些原文没有的字眼,也无所谓:
14. He exclaimed that he was undone.
15. The teacher praised Mary, saying that she had done a good job.
16. Tom called upon Heaven to witness his determination not to lie again.