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  1.Canadians now increasingly engage in “out-shopping,” which is shopping across the national border, where prices are lower. Prices are lower outside of Canada in large part because the goods-and-services tax that pays for Canadian social services is not applied. Which one of the following is best supported on the basis of the information above?

  (A)If the upward trend in out-shopping continues at a significant level and the amounts paid by the government for Canadian social services are maintained, the Canadian goods-and-services tax will be assessed at a higher rate.

  (B)If Canada imposes a substantial tariff on the goods bought across the border, a reciprocal tariff on cross-border shopping in the other direction will be imposed, thereby harming Canadian businesses.

  (C)The amounts the Canadian government pays out to those who provide social services to Canadians are increasing.

  (D)The same brands of goods are available to Canadian shoppers across the border as are available in Canada.

  (E)Out-shopping purchases are subject to Canadian taxes when the purchaser crosses the border to bring them into Canada.

  2. Left-handed persons suffer more frequently than do right-handed persons from certain immune disorders, such as allergies. Left-handers tend to have an advantage over the right-handed majority, however, on tasks controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, and mathematical reasoning is strongly under the influence of the right hemisphere in most people.

  If the information above is true, it best supports which of the following hypotheses?

  (A) Most people who suffer from allergies or other such immune disorders are left-handed rather than right-handed.

  (B) Most left-handed mathematicians suffer from some kind of allergy.

  (C) There are proportionally more left-handers among people whose ability to reason mathematically is above average than there are among people with poor mathematical reasoning ability.

  (D) If a left-handed person suffers from an allergy, that person will probably be good at mathematics.

  (E) There are proportionally more people who suffer from immune disorders such as allergies than there are people who are left-handed or people whose mathematical reasoning ability is unusually good.

  3. Mud from a lake on an uninhabited wooded island in northern Lake Superior contains toxic chemicals, including toxaphene, a banned pesticide for cotton that previously was manufactured and used, not in nearby regions of Canada or the northern United States, but in the southern United States. No dumping has occurred on the island. The island lake is sufficiently elevated that water from Lake Superior does not reach it.

  The statements above, if true, most strongly support which of the following hypotheses?

  (A) The waters of the island lake are more severely polluted than those of Lake Superior.

  (B) The toxaphene was carried to the island in the atmosphere by winds.

  (C) Banning chemicals such as toxaphene does not aid the natural environment

  4.To prevent some conflicts of interest, Congress could prohibit high-level government officials from accepting positions as lobbyists for three years after such officials leave government service. One such official concluded, however, that such a prohibition would be unfortunate because it would prevent high-level government officials from earning a livelihood for three years.

  The official‘s conclusion logically depends on which of the following assumptions?

  (A) Laws should not restrict the behavior of former government officials.

  (B) Lobbyists are typically people who have previously been high-level government officials.

  (C) Low-level government officials do not often become lobbyists when they leave government service.

  (D) High-level government officials who leave government service are capable of earning a livelihood only as lobbyists. (E) High-level government officials who leave government service are currently permitted to act as lobbyists for only three years.








