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Question: Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

Listening part

【名词解释】:respending effect:

人们倾向于选择energy - efficient appliance, 可是由于选择了energy - efficient的东西,节省了钱,就有更多的钱买其他东西了,最后消耗了更多的energy。


Question: 用听力的例子来解释对这个概念的理解。

Question 5

【学生困难】:女生的教授叫她读一本书,而且是某个特定的translation版本,但图书管里no copy available, 要wait until next month, 这样就不能read in advance了。


1. order online, 问题是也得wait;

2. 向去年已经上过这课的人借这本书。但是用过的书肯定有标记,划线,女生喜欢读新书,这样可以在阅读思考的同时标注。

Question 6

【讲课要点】:two adaptations used to overcome problems in birds migration:

1. special protein in the blood to absorb more oxygen in higher area;

2. extra blood in chest cell, which can support the flight with energy and strength.
