Last but not the least, establishment of these institutions is beneficial to the society.These kids with special training will generally work at an early age, and therefore produce more wealth for the society. Teenage university graduates can best support this thesis. The society spend less on their education yet gets back more once they get a job. Also it has been found out that people are usually more creative in their youth,as we recall those prominent figures like Goethe, or Mozart, or Einstein. On the behalf of the society it is advantageous for the talented spend his/her youth on research than on education. Therefore we can expect more inventions from them, be they scientific theory or painting masterpiece. Eventually we see how wise it is to invest in the special training programs.
In conclusion, I believe identification and special education for gifted children is necessary for the society. These projects should be carried out without hesitation, and the society will find it a strikingly wise decision as the talented make contributions in all aspects of life.