第二篇 英国农业的发展
这篇阅读讲英国农业如何在欧洲其他各国的农业**之前独自发展至小康水平。。。 英格兰的农业比欧洲其他国家发展的都早都好,其他国家在大战或者有瘟疫的时候英格兰都没受太大影响。还说英格兰农场主发现农业获利很大后,就采取了高产的农产品,新技术,把原来tenure的农民都化成了签约式的,而且签约前要交钱否则就用别人(此处有题,大概是说四个选项里哪个没有在文中提到)。还说到由于农场主采用了嫡长子继承制,所以没有土地仍然很集中。还举例如提高房租,改善耕种方式,还有开始做羊毛,并且出口至欧洲各国甚至美国。
agriculture 农业
European 欧洲的
England 英格兰
plague 瘟疫
farm 农场
benefit 利益
new technology 新技术
tenure 终身职位;任期;保有
farmer 农场主
the lineal primogeniture [,pra?mo'd??n?t??] system 嫡长子继承制
raise the rent 提高房租
improve the cultivation 提高耕种方式
wool 羊毛 export 出口
英国农业采用新技术:New agricultural equipment
like cultivators, plows, threshers, mowers, combines, balers, etc. were invented and powered by oxen, horses, steam power, then gasoline or diesel as the farm machinery became mechanized and allowed the farmers to become ever more productive.
In England, primogeniture was mandatory for inheritance of land. Until the Statute of Wills was passed in 1540, a will could control only the inheritance of personal property. Real estate (land) passed to the eldest male descendant by operation of law. The statute added a provision that a landowner could "devise" land by the use of a new device called a "testament". The rule of primogeniture in England was not changed until the Administration of Estates Act in 1925.
Britain. The British property inherit system, emphasizing his absolute inheritance, which China and the lineal primogeniture system still has great distinction. The UK is the eldest son of the absolute primogeniture inheritance, son and daughter without property right of inheritance, they can only choose to join the army or to the monastery, so seventeenth Century England appeared a strange phenomenon: 1, join the army increased greatly. In 2, the monastery was the development of the cause of. 3, late marriage, even lifelong marriage.
primogeniture, in law, the rule of inheritance whereby landdescends to the oldest son. Under the feudal system of medievalEurope, primogeniture generally governed the inheritance of landheld in military tenure. The effect of this rule was tokeep the father's land for the support of the son who rendered therequired military service. When feudalism declined and thepayment of a tax was substituted for military service, the need forprimogeniture disappeared. In England, consequently, there wasenacted the Statute of Wills (1540), which permitted the oldestson to be entirely cut off from inheriting, and in the 17th cent.military tenure was abolished; primogeniture is, nevertheless, still customary in England.