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  Part one

  What’s your full name?do your name have any special meaning?

  Do you live in a flat of house?which room do you like the best in your home, how to improve your room?

  Where is your hometown? Is there anything you can recommend about your hometown?( Do you think your city is dangerous to the young people?)

  What’s your major? Why did you choose it? Do many people study this major?any plan for your future?

  你小时候经常见 relatives ? 亲戚会变得越来越疏远吗?

  what indoor activities do you do? What kind of indoor sport do you want to learn in the future?

  What kind of clothes do you like to wear? What’s fashion in your opinion?


  平时in the evening or holiday喜欢干什么?

  衣服的什麼是重要的?do you often shop online ?will you spend a lot of money on fashion?


  how do you usually celebrate your birthday?what kind of people like to celebrate birthday?

  Can you tell me sth about your family?

  What is your favorite color and why? Do you have many clothes in that color?
