1,某人去买peanuts和 cheesecake 一共买了 70磅。问 买70磅peanuts要多少钱?
1) peanuts价格为4.7 (价格乱编的)
2) cheesecake 价格为 3.8
2, 某人去买peanuts和cheesecak一共花了 800块,问买的peanuts占总共购买量的多少percentage?
1)peanuts价格为4.7 (价格乱编的)
2)cheesecake 价格为 3.8
1. 我遇到了Adam smith的那篇,JJ里已经很充分了
一题问Adam Smith 的理论based on what?答案是 business is based on self-interested
最后一题问作者为啥引用“barter, truck”,答案是为了provide authority of the argument that business is based onself-interest
2. 说汽车公司现在的产品都差不多了,所以他们很注重service和客户的loyalty。如果客人修车的时候只修一次不用返修,那么他们很可能再来买。但是“best performance” (此处有题)也只有90%,而行业平均率是60%,就是说每三个修车的客人中就有一个要返修。
题目 “best performance” imply了啥,我选的是 10个人中一个要返修
3. JJ中某个RLX-81247星系形成的那个。JJ中 文章分析的已经很好了,我来补充点题目吧
题目:主旨题,我选了 分析这个星系形成的原因
题目:第三段中提到 太阳系为啥 我选了 provide analogy 来解释星系形成的
4. 这个JJ中没有
第一段:宇宙学 (cosmology)和粒子物理学(particle physics)的结合给两个学科都有benefits,然后说了一下以前科学家都要靠observation来解释很多,现在可以考粒子物理学来模拟啦。
第三段说,反过来,对粒子物理学来说,因为粒子物理没法模拟出某个非常大的energy,而依靠宇宙学,科学家 will 用大爆炸理论来帮助粒子物理学分析那个energy (有题)。
1 美帝做了个关于宠物的调查,1986年养狗的家庭占38,1991年养狗的家庭占 31%。1986到1991年养猫的家庭数量基本constant在30%。我们能得出,美国猫比狗多3.1M,问为啥能算出猫比狗多?我选了 因为美国很多家庭养多余一直猫
2. 我遇到了那道ban 衣服出口的问题,题目应该是。XXX国家对衣服的进口有ban,这国衣服价格比外国高35%。某政治家说,不能取消ban,取消的话就会导致整个衣服industry垮塌,造成substantial umemployed worker
选项1,该国失业率很高。2这个国家衣服价格和国外价格差在这几年减低了。3 原材料most在国内生产,but 大部分equipment国外进口。4 该政治家最近要参选了,而衣服工人的选票很重要。5 xxx忘记了= =
狗主选了 3
1)第某篇(这篇lz做过啊!!!!尼玛但是忘记当时正确答案是哪些了= = 这种感觉你懂得)
By the sixteenth century, the Incas of South America ruled an empire that extended along the Pacific coast and Andean highlands from what is now Ecuador to central Chile. While most of the Incas were self-sufficient agriculturists, the inhabitants of the highland basins above 9,000 feet were constrained by the kinds of crops they could cultivate. Whereas 95 percent of the principal Andean food crops can be cultivated below 3,000 feet, only 20 percent reproduce readily above 9,000 feet. Given this unequal resource distribution, highland Incas needed access to the products of lower, warmer climatic zones in order to enlarge the variety and quantity of their foodstuffs. In most of the preindustrial world, the problem of different resource distribution was resolved by long-distance trade networks over which the end consumer exercised little control. Although the peoples of the Andean highlands participated in such networks, they relied primarily on the maintenance of autonomous production forces in as many ecological zones as possible. The commodities produced in these zones were extracted, processed, and transported entirely by members of a single group.
This strategy of direct access to a maximum number of ecological zones by a single groupis called vertical economy.Even today, one can see Andean communities maintaining use rights simultaneously to pasturelands above 12,000 feet, to potato fields in basins over 9,000 feet, and to plots of warm-land crops in regions below 6,000 feet. This strategy has two principal variations. The first is “compressed verticality,” in whicha single village resides in a location that permits easy access to closely located ecological zones.Different crop zones or pasturelands are located within a few days walk of the parent community. Community members may reside temporarily in one of the lower zones to manage the extraction of products unavailable in the homeland. In the second variation, called the “vertical archipelago,” the village exploits resources in widely dispersed locations, constituting a series of independent production “islands.” In certain pre-Columbian Inca societies, groups were sent from the home territory to establish permanent satellite communities or colonies in distant tropical forests or coastal locations. There the colonists grew crops and extracted products for their own use and for transshipment back to their high-altitude compatriots. In contrast to the compressed verticality system, in this system, commodities rather than people circulated through the archipelago.
第一段提出问题:什么影响雇员share information的程度。第二段阐述:公司的reward注重个人努力的话,雇员share information的程度就低;公司注重team努力的话,share information的程度就高,bla bla~~。第三段给例子说一个公司起初注重reward个人努力,share information的程度就低。后来公司改变reward的方式,注重reward team的努力,人们就share information更多了。
Tar 存在于香烟里面,Tar致癌,因此生产低Tar的香烟可以降低癌症,weaken。有个选项: 低Tar的话人们就会使劲吸烟,从而吸入大量的Tar