Prep2012-Pack1-CR-028 VCR000739 Medium
Mall owner: Our mall's occupancy rate is so low that we are barely making a profit. We cannot raise rents because of an unacceptably high risk of losing established tenants. On the other hand, a mall that is fully occupied costs about as much to run as one in which a rental space here and a rental space there stands empty. Clearly, therefore, to increase profits we must sign up new tenants.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. The mall's operating costs could be cut by consolidating currently rented spaces in such a way that an entire wing of the mall could be closed up.
B. The mall is located in a geographic area in which costs incurred for air-conditioning in the hot summers exceed those incurred for heating in the mid winters by a wide margin.
C. The mall's occupancy rate, though relatively low, has been relatively stable for several years.
D. The mall lost tenants as a result of each of the two major rent increases that have occurred there.
E. None of the mall's established tenants is likely to need additional floor space there in the foreseeable future.
Prep2012-Pack1-CR-029 VCR000806 Medium
In one state, all cities and most towns have antismoking ordinances. A petition entitled “Petition for Statewide
Smoking Restriction” is being circulated to voters by campaign workers who ask only, “Do you want to sign a petition for statewide smoking restriction?" The petition advocates a state law banning smoking in most retail establishments and in government that are open to the public.
Which of the following circumstances would make the petition as circulated misleading to voters who understand the proposal as extending the local ordinances statewide?
A. Health costs associated with smoking cause health insurance premiums to rise for everyone and so affect nonsmokers.
B. In rural areas of the state, there are relatively few retail establishments and government offices that are open to the public.
C. The state law would supersede the local antismoking ordinances, which contain stronger bans than the state law does.
D. There is considerable sentiment among voters in most areas of the state for restriction of smoking.
E. The state law would not affect existing local ordinances banning smoking in places where the fire authorities have determined that smoking would constitute a fire hazard.
Prep2012-Pack1-CR-030 VCR000834 Medium
In preparation for a large-scale tree-planting project, Thomasville has recorded the location, species, and condition of every tree in its downtown area. The results will be compared with results of the last such tree census, taken 20 years ago. Planting trees primarily from the species that turns out to have the best record of survival will assure downtown Thomasville of an abundant tree population 20 years from now.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the claim that the tree-planting proposal will assure an abundant tree population?
A. Because of strict laws governing industrial development, environmental conditions in Thomasville are unlikely to become harsher for trees than they have been during the last 20 years.
B. Thomasville has reliable records to show which trees in existence 20 years ago were cut down to permit new construction downtown.
C. A number of trees from one of the species widespread in Thomasville 20 years ago reached the end of their natural life span in the intervening period.
D. Very few species of trees grow as well in urban conditions as in natural conditions.
E. A city with a high proportion of any one species of trees can have its tree population devastated by one outbreak of a disease.