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  rest on; rely on; depend on; base on; on the basis of;

  upon which the argument depends;

  upon which the argument rest;

  upon which the argument relies;

  只要:so long as ; so far as; only if; insofar; subject to the proviso;

  不管:no matter what; irrespective of whether/~; regardless of; whatsoever;


  (fail to; omit to); take ~ into account/ consideration; give an insight into; account for(解释);

  considering and weighing; considering and ruling out/eliminate;

  weighing ~ against alternatives/~;


  缺少:in the absence of; for lack of; lacking; a lack of; in short of;


  仅仅:mere; only; nothing more than;


  很多大量:a myriad of; a variety of; a multitude of; numerous; a large amount of; a great deal of;

  过度:undue; exceedingly; excessive; overstate; overemphasize;

  不断增长:growing; increasing; quickening;

  一系列:a series of; in a row;

  好像、可能:likely; possible; probably; perhaps; as though; maybe; may; might;

  解决方案:solution; approach; recipe; scheme


  angles; aspect; facet; side; viewpoint;

  in all respects; in many fields;

  highlight an aspect of;

  in all likelihood;

  获得:acquire; gain; attain; achieve; pursue;

  影响:interfere with~;have/exert a profound influence on life/personality;have a dramatic/undesirable effect on;

  满足:meet; satisfy; accommodate the demand of; be accustomed to;

  很明显的:it is conceivable/ obvious/ apparent;conspicuous; strikingly; notably;

  类比: apply specifically/equally to;

  同等甚至更多:commensurably, or perhaps even more;

  伴随:along with; keep pace with; consistent with; in harmony with; cope with; in accordance with; in conjunction with;serve as catalyst which will foster~;

  逻辑:reasoning; way of thinking; line of reasoning; analysis;

  倾向:be less prone to;

  在成长路上:in one's course of growth;



  提建议时说作者需要:a more complete understanding of_;

  天生的:by nature; inherited; inherent; intrinsic; in origin; innate;

  供需关系:supply and demand;
