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  51.buy your story 相信你的话

  52.call it a day 今天到此为止

  53.Capital idea 好主意

  54.cold fish 冷酷无情的人

  55.dark horse 黑马;冷门

  56.daylight robbery 价钱贵到离谱

  57.dear Jones letter 绝交信

  58.dirty dog 卑鄙小人

  59.eat one's words 承认错误

  60.every Tom, Dick and Harry 张三李四

  61.flat tire 没精打采

  62.from A to Z 从头到尾

  63.go on the horse 快一点吧

  64.God knows 天晓得

  65.gone with the wind 随风而逝

  66.good for nothing 毫无用处的

  67.Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同。

  68.happy go lucky 乐天派

  69.have a big mouth 话多的人

  70.have it both ways 权衡两方面

  71.have time off 休假

  72.have words with sb. 口角

  73.hit of the show 表演中最精彩的一幕

  74.hit the high spots 达到高水准

  75.hit the sack 睡觉

  76.hold one's tongue 保持沉默

  77.I.O.U = I owe you 我欠你;借据

  78.in hot water 遇到麻烦

  79.in the hole 遇到经济困难

  80.in the long run 从长远来看;终究

  81.in the soap 遇到麻烦

  82.keep one's head 镇定

  83.keep one's shirt on 不动手打架

  84.keep punching 继续努力

  85.kick off 开始干某事

  86.kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟

  87.knock it off 别再讲下去了

  88.Knock on wood. 说话禁忌;赶紧讨个吉利.

  89.let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密

  90.let nature take its course 顺其自然

  91.like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁

  92.like a turtle on its back 对事情束手无策

  93.lousy clichés 陈词滥调

  94.make a hit 出风头

  95.make my mouth water 使我垂涎

  96.master key 万能钥匙;关键

  97.neck and neck 不分上下

  98.need other's shoulder 希望得到某人的安慰

  99.no sweat 没问题;不用冒汗

  100.No money, no honey. 没有钱,哪有爱情
