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  Task 5

  The man's problem is that his friend Nick broke his roommate's lamp. To cope with this problem, the man faces two possible solutions. First, he can bring a lamp from his home. Second, he can buy a new lamp of the same style for his roommate. Personally, I recommend that the man should take the first solution for two reasons. The first reason is that, in this way,the man needn't pay for a new lamp, and he can save money. The second reason is that, his friend may prefer the lamp he brings from home. These are the two reasons why I believe that the man should take the first solution. (118words)

  Task 6

  In this lecture, the professor introduces two benefits of the expansion of railroad in America. The first benefit is that after the expansion of the railroad, companies could sell their products to all over the country. For example, before the expansion, a watch shop could sell watches only in large cities. After the expansion of railroad, the watch shop could sell its items in other places.

  The second benefit is that companies could build up their factories in places where there was lack of natural resources. For example, if there was no coal, there would be no electricity.

  After the expansion of railway, factories could be built in places where there was no coal. So, these are the two benefits of the expansion of railroad in the U.S.

