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 Certainly, requiring that people retire at an early age would not be an optimum solution, as an increasing retired population would put increasing strains on families as well as government welfare programmes.







  This is Writing Task 2 of Academic Writing.

  To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with pen and paper.

  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

  Write about the following topic:

  Some people think that in countries with high unemployment, the retirement age should be lowered to allow more young people to get jobs.

  What would be the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

  Write at least 250 words.

  Sample answer:

  Countries with high unemployment face a number of different resulting problems. Older people without jobs may pose a burden on their families and may not be able to afford their basic necessities, whereas unemployed youth may burden their parents and are more likely to have difficulties in the future. There are many different ways that governments can try to tackle the problem of high unemployment, and there are some who believe the best way is to lower the retirement age so that more new jobs are available for the younger generation.

  It is true that it may be better for society as a whole to have an older unemployed population than a younger one. Those who are fresh out of high school or university need to immediately apply their knowledge and creativity. If they find that they cannot become contributing members of society after their studies, they may fall into bad habits and eventually lose the desire to work hard for themselves and their society. Even if they do finally find a job, they may be reluctant to accept it because they may be overqualified to do it and have got used to a life without working. By lowering the retirement age, more jobs will be available to the young, and the government can make sure this scenario does not play out as often as it otherwise might.

  Certainly, requiring that people retire at an early age would not be an optimum solution, as an increasing retired population would put increasing strains on families as well as government welfare programmes. In fact the best solution to the problem, in my eyes, would be to seek out alternative solutions that would increase the amount of jobs available by increasing the actual amount of jobs, rather than decreasing the number of people in the workforce.

  Advice / HintsWriting

  Task 2 is an essay in which you have to present your arguments, express your opinions or show how to solve a problem. It carries more marks so spend more time on it. Study the question carefully and highlight the key topic words. Write a plan and decide your main points or topic sentences on your question paper. Introduce the topic, present your points of view and end your essay with a conclusion.

  In this mock paper, be sure to present both the advantages and disadvantages.
