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Some people might argue that those who are interested in arts or literature will have time later on to take these subjects up as a hobby once they start working.







  This is Writing Task 2 of Academic Writing.

  To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with pen and paper.

  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

  Write about the following topic:

  In today’s world, subjects like maths and science are the most important for children to learn in school. School curricula should focus on these subjects more and reduce the time spent on music, literature, art and history. Only in this way can we adequately prepare students for life in the modern world.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

  Write at least 250 words.


  Sample answer:

  Many people today regard school subjects like maths and science as the most important subjects taught in school. A mastery of these subjects will allow a student to go on to study economics, engineering or many other highly valued university majors, which will lead to better job opportunities in the future. Students will have a better chance of mastering these subjects if less time is spent on subjects such as history or music when they are at school.

  That is not to say that these less practical subjects should be entirely ignored. The main goal of primary and secondary school is not to prepare students for future work, but to prepare them to be well-rounded adults. Art, history and literature may not have direct applications in the most popular jobs, but an understanding of these subjects will help a child develop a sense of place in his or her culture. In addition, subjects like music do much to develop a child’s way of thinking.

  Some people might argue that those who are interested in arts or literature will have time later on to take these subjects up as a hobby once they start working. This may be true, but by denying a child exposure to these subjects when they are young virtually guarantees that he or she will not develop an interest in these subjects and are therefore unlikely to pick them up later on as a hobby.

  In conclusion, while it is reasonable for schools to want to help students in their future careers by focusing on maths and science, it is not reasonable for schools to deny students access to other subjects. Most people would want to see our cultural heritage passed on to the next generation, and educating students about literature, art, music and history is the best way to do this.

  Advice / Hints

  Writing Task 2 is an essay in which you have to present your arguments, express your opinions or show how to solve a problem. It carries more marks so spend more time on it. Study the question carefully and highlight the key topic words. Write a plan and decide your main points or topic sentences on your question paper. Introduce the topic, present your points of view and end your essay with a conclusion.

  In this mock paper, be sure to indicate to what extent you agree or disagree to the statement.
