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The future history books might also record that we were deprived of the use of our eyes.

  2、Travelling at high speed means

  A people’s focus on the future.

  B a pleasure.

  C satisfying drivers’ great thrill.采集者退散

  D a necessity of life.

  3、Why does the author say ‘we are deprived of the use of our eyes’ ?

  A People won’t use their eyes.

  B In traveling at high speed, eyes become useless.

  C People can’t see anything on his way of travel.

  D People want to sleep during travelling.

  4、What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

  A Legs become weaker.

  B Modern means of transportation make the world a small place.

  C There is no need to use eyes.

  D The best way to travel is on foot.

  5. What does ‘a bird’s-eye view’ mean?

  A See view with bird’s eyes.

  B A bird looks at a beautiful view.

  C It is a general view from a high position looking down.

  D A scenic place.


  1.Palaeolithic 旧石器时代的

  2.Neolithic 新石器时代的

  3.escalator 自动电梯,自动扶梯

  4.ski-lift 载送滑雪者上坡的装置

  5.mar 损坏,毁坏

  6.blur 模糊不清,朦胧

  7.smear 涂,弄脏,弄模糊(尤指画面、轮廓等)

  8.evocative 引起回忆的,唤起感情的

  9.El Dorado (由当时西班牙征服者想象中的南美洲)黄金国,宝山,富庶之乡

  10.Kabul 喀布尔(阿富汗首都)

  11.Irkutsk 伊尔库茨克(原苏联亚洲城市)

