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  【经典例题】We're always busy with our work. We seldom have____ _____ .

  【经典例题】The boy is very young. The boy can't understand it. The boy is___ young ____understand it.

  【名师精解】正确答案是:9.free/spare time 10.too……to.前一道考题考查的是关于“忙”的表达方式。后一道小题考查的是对于too……to句型的掌握。too……to是一个重点句型,也必然是考查的重点。

  8. 反义词

  【经典例题】Don't forget to bring your book! _____to bring your book!

  【经典例题】My mother is not in/at home. My mother is____.

  【名师精解】这两道小题的正确答案是:11.Remember 12.out.前一道小题是考查动词的反义词,后一道小题是考查形容词的反义词。


  【经典例题】I don't think maths is as interesting as English. I think maths is ___ ___ ____English!

  【经典例题】Of all the boys in the class, John runs the fastest. John runs____ _____ any other boy in the class.

  【名师精解】这两道小题的正确答案是:less interesting than 和.faster than.这两道小题考查的都是表达比较意义的句型之间的转换。考生在复习时,不应该拘泥于两个句型之间的转换,而应努力做到灵活掌握、触类旁通,把各个句型的用法特点弄清楚,这样无论什么样的转换都不会困难。

  10. 词形的派生

  【经典例题】The teacher told us to be careful when we did our exam. The teacher told us to do our exam.________


  11. 从句的变换(1)主从复合句与并列句的相互转换

  【经典例题】Hurry or you will be late for school. _____you don't hurry, you will be late for school.(2) 从句与从句的相互转换

  【经典例题】He came only after the meeting was over. He didn't come____ the meeting was over.(3) 从句和不定式的转换

  【经典例题】The box is so heavy that I can't lift it. The box is ____ heavy for me____ lift.

  【名师精解】这几道题目的正确答案是:(1).If (2).until (3).too……to……。第一道小题考查的是条件从句和or 的转换,第二道小题考查的是时间状语从句和after的转换,最后一道小题考查的是so…that …和 too…to…之间的转换。这些都是最常用和最基础的句型和表达方式,考生要注意掌握。

  12. 用连接词合并两个简单句

  【经典例题】Jane couldn't sing well. I couldn't sing well, either. _____Jane _____I could sing well.

  【名师精解】本题的正确答案是:Neither……nor……。它的意义是:“两者都不”,同时也要注意用了这一表达方式以后,后面要用肯定式(could)。同时应该注意它和both……and, neither……nor的区别。

